Can Queer Feminist Emma Lindsay Possibly Avoid a Crazy Cat Lady Future?
“I’m a queer white woman, and I think I hold considerable privilege over many straight white men in the USA, primarily because of the benefit of my education. . . . People who are not educated well enough, and who lack the verbals signals of being well educated, are un-hirable right now.” — Emma Lindsay, […]
Fat Feminism and the War on Sanity
Kaye Toal (@ohkayewhatever on Twitter) is a “creative producer” at BuzzFeed who has strange hair, lives in Brooklyn and hates Republicans. Her career as a human cliché began years ago when she started a blog on Tumblr — did I mention she’s a cliché? — called “Big Fat Feminist.” At the time, Ms. Toal […]
Why Trump Won
This headline says it all: Planned Parenthood Targets Toddlers for Talks on Transgenderism, Masturbation According to the Democrat Party, anyone who opposes spending federal taxpayer money on Planned Parenthood is a hater. Also, anyone who opposes transgender in the military is a hater. Democrats want to spend taxpayer money for Planned Parenthood to teach your […]
Tranny SJW Claims Science Does Not Prove That the Penis Is a Male Organ
Zachary Antolak, a/k/a “Zinnia Jones,” a/k/a “Satana Kennedy,” a/k/a “Lauren McNamara” is a person familiar to regular readers here. An atheist transgender activist and Internet pornographer, Antolak/“Jones” has tattooed himself/“herself” with a symbol used on the cover of Anton LaVey’s Satanic Bible modified with transgender symbols. The bizarre semantics by which Antolak/“Jones” claims that the […]
Crazy Is a Pre-Existing Condition
[ IMAGE DELETED ] ‘Trans non-binary queer’ Aryn Maitland In January 2014, when I first wrote about the controversy between radical feminists and transgender activists, it seemed to me a bad joke. “The Competitive Victimhood Derby,” I called it — two rival tribes of left-wing nutjobs vying for the coveted Most Oppressed Award. Subsequent research, […]
Feminism’s Excuse Factory: Nikki Yovino, Title IX and False Rape Accusations
Nikki Yovino was a student at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Conn., last fall when she accused two of the university’s football players of raping her at a party. The football players both admitted they had sex with Yovino, but said it was consensual. Police say Yovino subsequently confessed she had fabricated the rape […]
Feminist Motherhood Advice (and Other Reasons to Avoid Jody Allard)
Jody Allard is a feminist and a bad person, but I repeat myself. Last fall, Ms. Allard gained notoriety when she published a Washington Post column about “rape culture” that targeted her own teenage sons: They’ve been listening to me talk about consent, misogyny and rape culture since they were tweens. They listened to […]
Feminist Denounces Ivanka Trump as a Symbol of ‘Patriarchal’ Authority
No matter how “empowered” a woman may be, she will never be accepted by feminists if she is a Republican: MSNBC contributor Joan Walsh appeared on MSNBC Live on Sunday and attacked Ivanka Trump for not only briefly sitting in for her father at a G20 summit meeting, but for wearing a “girlie” dress […]
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