Insanity Is Hereditary: Transgender Parents Raising ‘Gender-Fluid’ Child
London’s Metro tabloid reports: This is Britain’s first gender-fluid family. They are raising four-year-old Star Cloud as a ‘person’ and are telling him to ‘not get hung up’ on being a boy. Parents Nikki and Louise Draven say they are ‘just ordinary’ and are being ‘who they want to be’. Star calls Louise, 31, […]
Dadsplaining for @cynthiablee: Women, Victimhood and the #Google Memo
Dear Professor Lee: Your article (“I’m a woman in computer science. Let me ladysplain the Google memo to you”) is very interesting and well-argued, and far be it from me to question your professional qualifications or your experiential authority. For a woman to say, “This is what it’s like for me as a woman […]
Google’s Free Speech* Code
You either have the right to express your opinion or you don’t. Try to explain this to Susan Wojcicki, the head of Google’s YouTube division: As a company that has long supported free expression, Google obviously stands by the right that employees have to voice, publish or tweet their opinions. But while people may […]
SJWs Attacking Lesbian @ArielleScarcell for . . . Well, Being a Lesbian, Really
“In the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, the Thought Police (Thinkpol in Newspeak) are the secret police of the superstate, Oceania, who are charged with uncovering and punishing ‘thoughtcrime’ and thought-criminals. The Thinkpol use psychological methods and omnipresent surveillance (e.g. telescreens) to search, find, monitor, and arrest citizens of Oceania who would challenge the […]
Fake News: The Media Are Lying About James Damore’s Google ‘Manifesto’
Bre Payton at the Federalist has an excellent compilation of biased media reports about fired Google engineer James Damore’s viral memo, and the blatant dishonesty is enough to shock even those of us who have spent decades fighting liberal bias in journalism. Repeatedly, headlines mischaracterize Damore’s views as “anti-diversity” (despite his clearly stated support […]
Fat Feminists, Google Engineers and Why Didn’t Eric Bolling Listen to Me?
Things have gotten busy on the feminism front lately, while I was busy elsewhere, so let’s do a bit of catch-up, starting with . . . NEVER TALK TO A FEMINIST — how many times have I repeated that here? And why didn’t somebody warn Eric Bolling? As soon as accusations that he texted […]
The Transgender Victimhood Narrative Encounters Inevitable Difficulties
Police led a handcuffed Zachary McClimans out of court after a hearing. A few days before the election last November, police say, Zachary McClimans stole his grandfather’s pistol and went to the Wal-Mart in Hermitage, Pennsylvania, where he shot Jayson Hall four times. The motive, according to police, was that McClimans (a/k/a “Claire Wolfever”) had […]
Everybody’s ‘Far Right’ Now
Jake Tapper is Hitler, because everybody’s Hitler now. As a notorious right-wing extremist banned from Twitter, I’d like to welcome the latecomers to our (alleged) fascist movement. Frankly, it’s getting overcrowded. There’s hardly enough room here for a guy to goose-step and sieg-heil without bumping into another crypto-Nazi. CNN’s Jake Tapper, for example. You probably […]
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