The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

University of North Carolina Continues Promoting Anti-Male Hate Propaganda

  Male students are a dwindling minority (42%) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, a Democrat-controlled institution which selected former Dartmouth professor Carol Folt as its chancellor in 2013. That was the same year lesbian feminists Andrea Pino and Annie Clark joined three other UNC students in filing a federal Office for Civil Rights […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous: ‘Non-Binary’ LGBT Student Activist Shot Dead

  Scout Schultz, 21, was born male but “preferred ‘they’ and ‘them’ gender pronouns and identified as bisexual, non-binary and intersex,” according to his mother. Schultz was president of the Pride Alliance, a student LGBTQ organization at Georgia Tech, where police shot him dead Saturday night after Schultz refused to drop a knife: The tense […]

Feminist ‘Comes Out’ and Nobody Cares

Charlotte Morabito is a Women’s Studies major and a queer feminist, but I repeat myself. She got her degree — actually a double major in Journalism and Media Studies and Women’s and Gender Studies — last year from Rutgers University, and now works for MSNBC. Did I mention Charlotte Morabito is fat? Because her fatness […]

Transgender Cult Update: Woman, 60, Assaulted by Activists in London

  Maria MacLachlan, a 60-year-old woman, was attacked by transgender activists Wednesday evening at London’s Hyde Park, where feminists had gathered at Speakers’ Corner after the venue for their event, featuring Professor Julia Long, had been canceled due to “safety concerns.” Feminist critics of the transgender movement have been accused of “hate,” labeled “TERFs” (trans-exclusive […]

Campus Snowflakes Reduced to Tears After Being Confronted With Facts

  Christopher Rodgers, Dean of Students and Deputy Title IX Coordinator at Fordham University is under investigation after he showed a video to dorm RAs (resident assistants) debunking the “1-in-5” myth of campus sexual assault. During orientation training last month, Rodgers showed the video from Prager U that points out flawed methodology in surveys that […]

Texas Attorney ‘Resigns’ from Firm After Rape Comment About Betsy DeVos

  The Eternal Genius of the Liberal Mind: A Round Rock attorney resigned after posting a controversial tweet Friday that caused a firestorm on Twitter. The tweet, which was posted by Robert Ranco, a partner with the Carlson Law Firm, read, “I’m not wishing for it…but I’d be ok if #BetsyDevos was sexually assaulted. #SexualAssault […]

The Death of a Dishonest Feminist

  A once-famous man-hating lunatic has gone on to her eternal reward: Kate Millett, a feminist writer and artist who gave the women’s liberation movement its intellectual cornerstone with the 1970 tract “Sexual Politics,” and whose later works laid bare the subjugation of gay men and lesbians, the mentally ill, the elderly, and victims of […]

Feminism Is a Totalitarian Movement to Destroy Civilization as We Know It

FITCHBURG, Massachusetts Today I will be speaking in Leominster at an event hosted by Da Tech Guy blog, the Worcester Tea Party and Granite Grok. Friday, I had the honor to give a 10-minute presentation to the Friday Morning Group in Lexington, and Pete Da Tech Guy got this video of my speech:     I’m still hoping all my friends in […]

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