Tumblrina Hot Take
Political commentary from a 27-year-old feminist: also progressive white men can go ahead and worry about the 72% of white men who voted for roy moore before they start in on the 63% of white women who did so, thanks She wants everybody to know she’s a Scorpio. Party of Science™ . . . […]
Tumblrina ‘Intersectionality’
Excuse me for returning to this bottomless well of feminist insanity, but here’s a Tumblr post that went viral last week: I think one of my least favorite types of responses to people speaking up on sexual harassment and sexual assault is are articles like “in wake of weinstein, men wonder if hugging women […]
Socialist Tumblrina Witches
Sara is a 19-year-old bisexual socialist witch who likes cats and attends college somewhere in New England. She posts a lot of selfies, including pictures of herself dressed as Hecate, pagan goddess of death. Like every other pouty teenage Goth girl with a Tumblr blog, Sara fancies herself a writer and self-published a science […]
How Joy Reid’s Homophobic History Illustrates Vox Day’s Third Law of SJWs
Let me start by saying, I am proud to hate Charlie Crist. If hating Charlie Crist is wrong, I don’t want to be right. However, I don’t claim to be a “progressive” and I’m not employed by MSNBC: Recently resurfaced internet archives show political commentator Joy Reid wrote a dozen blog posts in 2007, […]
‘Effectively Worthless’: Social Justice and the Infinite Stupidity of Tumblr
When I started exploring radical feminism in 2014, one of the first phenomena I discovered was SJW Tumblrinas. Tumblr.com is to social media what syphilis is to bacteria — the absolute worst. When I mused here about why Tumblr is so indescribably wretched, a commenter observed that its format is so “user-friendly” that it […]
‘Just Being Around Men Is Exhausting’
On her Twitter profile, Ali Thompson describes herself as “Fat Activist Bisexual Queer.” On her personal web site, she calls herself “a feminist artist from Philadelphia specializing in pop art that is influenced by riot grrl zines, punk flyers, tattoos and comic art.” She has another Twitter account called @Ok2BeFat and a Patreon account to […]
Chomsky on Foucault (and Also, Exactly What Was Judith Butler Trying to Say?)
Michel Foucault and his very wrong book, ‘The History of Sexuality.’ It’s not my habit to quote Noam Chomsky, whom I despise, but I happened upon something he once said about Michel Foucault: You can make things look complicated, that’s part of the game that intellectuals play; things must look complicated. You might not be […]
Sex Panic and Its Consequences
The downfall of Harvey Weinstein was fun, and it’s amusing to watch Democrats like John Conyers and Al Franken twisting in the wind. However, the Sexual Harassment Apocalypse looks uncomfortably familiar to those of us old enough to remember the McMartin Preschool story. Christina Hoff Sommers sounds the warning: In the 1980s, a panic over […]
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