Transgender Dominatrix Speaks at Vancouver Women’s March
As if Third Wave feminism hadn’t already jumped the shark, last weekend’s Women’s March in Vancouver was the ne plus ultra of postmodern gender theory gone mad: Speaker Hailey Heartless recounted how she did not feel comfortable attending the march last year as a trans woman and a sex worker, as well as the […]
Guys: Don’t Date Abby Nierman
When I wrote a long article about “Grace,” the 22-year-old who accused comedian Aziz Ansari of sexual assault, I guessed from textual clues that she was a student at New York University, an elite private school where the annual cost of attendance is $68,128. A rich girl, right? Wrong. In fact, my guesswork was […]
‘A Reprobate Mind’
Emperor Nero (left); Aziz Ansari (right). The Greek word adokimon can be translated as “depraved,” “unacceptable” or “foolish.” It is used exactly once in New Testament, in the first chapter of the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans, where the King James Version translates it as “reprobate”: “And even as they did not like to […]
You Should Be Reading Dalrock
The blogger called Dalrock describes himself thus: I’m a happily married man living with my sexy wife and our two wonderful kids in the Dallas/Forth Worth area. I’m very interested in how the post feminist world impacts myself and my family, and am using this blog to explore these kinds of issues. I’ve occasionally linked […]
‘Maybe as an Old Chick I Don’t Get it’
You’ve probably heard about the Aziz Ansari “scandal,” in which a 22-year-old photographer (“Grace”) had a bad date with the 36-year-old TV star. Darleen Click’s take on the story is excellent: It’s a cringe-worthy endeavor to read, not just because Grace keeps remembering her interior dialogue of feeling uncomfortable accompanied with little girl astonishment […]
Feminists Hate All Men, So Why Expect Them to Love ‘Male Feminists’?
“Women are an oppressed class. Our oppression is total, affecting every facet of our lives. . . . “We identify the agents of our oppression as men. . . . All men receive economic, sexual, and psychological benefits from male supremacy. All men have oppressed women.” — Redstockings Manifesto, 1969 “The first condition for escaping […]
Violence Against Women: Convict Kills His Mother’s Girlfriend and Her Daughter
Marlin Larice Joseph is accused of murder in Florida. Marlin Larice Joseph, 26, has tattoos on his face. In 2013, he was charged with “lewd behavior” involving a 13-year-old girl, and was sentenced to prison. He served less than a year of that sentence, and was living with his mother, Robin Denson, in West Palm […]
Google Lawsuit Exposes Stalinist Climate Protecting Anti-White, Anti-Male Bias
We tend to use the phrase “political correctness” as a joke, without acknowledging its blood-soaked historical origins. However, I’ve spent the past couple of weeks reading Robert Conquest’s The Great Terror, a history of the darkest era in Stalin’s murderous dictatorship, and I cannot overlook the parallels between Stalinism and the so-called SJW (social-justice warrior) mentality […]
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