‘Advancing Gender Stereotypes’: You Can Be Fired for Telling the Truth, Feds Rule
Update on the Google gulag case: Former Google engineer James Damore has attempted to take civil and legal action against his former employer after being fired in August, but on Thursday, a federal memo revealed that one of Damore’s filings has been unequivocally denied. The National Labor Relations Board published its memo this week, […]
Your Homophobia Is a ‘Direct Threat’ of ‘Potential Violence,’ Says Queer Feminist
“Ellie” (@helliebeanz on Twitter) is a 22-year-old university art student in Tampa. She is a self-described “queer” Cuban-American who is “severely mentally ill.” She is “disabled,” and says she has “been professionally diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, bipolar type II, and PTSD.” She is into comics, “body positivity, mental health awareness . . . […]
Tumblr Feminism: Is It Worth $3?
As a digital property, Tumblr is “effectively worthless,” according to financial analysts. The site’s lack of commercial value, however, does not prevent it from being a major platform for the dissemination of feminist ideology. This quote from Gail Dines, for example, was liked and reblogged nearly 3,000 times, and no one inside this online […]
The Left’s Make-Believe Victimhood
Does everyone remember “TrigglyPuff,” the obnoxious feminist who repeatedly disrupted a 2016 event at the University of Massachusetts? While claiming to be a victim of oppression, Cora Segal was attending elite private Hampshire College ($63,512 a year, including room and board) and is, in fact, the daughter of a Harvard professor. Her sole claim […]
The Kinky Queer Intersectional Feminist: Empowerment by Sado-Masochism?
Suz Ellis (@redhotsuz on Twitter) is a Canadian sex blogger who is “currently pursuing a double major in Communications and Multimedia, and hope to one day work within the sexuality industry.” What? You had not previously realized that “sexuality” is now an “industry” in Canada? Welcome to the 21st-century, where every Canadian college girl […]
How About $3 for a Rant?
“The most incurably frustrated — and therefore, the most vehement — among the permanent misfits are those with an unfulfilled craving for creative work.” — Eric Hoffer, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements, 1951 Never push my “rant” button. Trying not to get angry is a daily struggle when I’m up […]
You’re Wrong, @RKyleSmith: Why #MeToo Will Continue Destroying Men
Kyle Smith is a very intelligent man, but he’s also a very sane man. He hasn’t spent the past four years diving deep into the dark waters of radical feminism, which is something only a crazy man would do. We must therefore forgive Mr. Smith for this mistaken opinion: Men are scared, and feminists […]
Laura Dunn Is an Evil Liar
When she was a freshman at the University of Wisconsin in 2004, Laura Dunn got drunk and had a ménage à trois with two guys. More than a year later, she decided she was a rape victim and filed a complaint with the university, and also reported the alleged rape to the campus police: […]
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