The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Harvard Hates Heterosexuals (Because the Ivy League Is Decadent and Depraved)

  Becina Ganther is an atheist lesbian Harvard University sophomore who hates God, men and heterosexuality, not necessarily in that order. A few months after her arrival on campus, Ms. Ganther joined the Harvard Crimson, not as a lowly reporter, but as a board member and columnist. Her first column made clear that Ms. Ganther […]

Google SJWs Can’t Be Appeased

  Last week, Google employees walked out after issuing a manifesto of feminist demands (“‘Choose the Form of the Destructor’: #GoogleWalkout and SJW Torpedoes,” Nov. 1) and Google executives are now learning the lesson of Munich. Never appease totalitarians: On November 1, thousands of Google employees walked out of their offices around the world to […]

‘Choose the Form of the Destructor’: #GoogleWalkout and SJW Torpedoes

  Perhaps no company deserves to be destroyed by feminists, but if any company does, none deserves it more than Google. Having built the world’s most powerful search engine, the company then developed or purchased a series of other innovations — Gmail, YouTube, etc. After obtaining a hegemonic position in the online world, however, Google […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Cornell Student Takes LSD, Does Bad Things

  Saano Murembya of Okemos, Michigan, was a freshman at elite Cornell University (annual cost of attendance, $70,004 including room and board) when he reportedly took a dose of LSD last Sunday, Oct. 21. The effects of LSD are unpredictable, particularly when you’re talking about street drugs, where the contents and dosage levels are uncertain: […]

Arizona Democrat ‘Summoned Witches’ to Attend 2003 Anti-War Protest Event

  Further evidence that Democrats are servants of the forces of darkness: Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Arizona], is not a witch. But she has been known to hang out with witches. It was during the height of the Iraq War when Sinema, then a far-left protest organizer, summoned supernatural […]

Arielle Scarcella: Gay People Are ‘F–king Terrified’ to Criticize Trans Ideology

  Arielle Scarcella has 550,000 subscribers to her YouTube channel, which makes her one of the most popular lesbian YouTubers. Some of her videos have more viewers than the average program at CNN (but let’s be honest, CNN is barely more popular than the Hallmark Channel). Her popularity is the only reason Ms. Scarcella has […]

Party of Science™ Update: Democrats Now Actively Consorting With Satan

  Earlier this month we reported (“Democrats Desperate to Stop Kavanaugh Nomination Resort to … Witchcraft,” Oct. 4) that anti-Trump pagans were conjuring Dark Powers in their doomed effort to prevent Brett Kavanaugh from becoming the 114th justice of the Supreme Court. Having learned nothing from their failure, they’re now doubling-down: Witches plan to place […]

Coming Out as … MOGAI? The Weird and Dangerous World of Queer Feminism

  Today was National Coming Out Day, which I celebrated by reading feminist Tumblr blogs and a recent memoir by lesbian blogger Katie Heaney that I’ll be writing about at length later. Heaney’s story is interesting enough (if you consider “interesting” a synonym for pathetic or ludicrous) to deserve the 3,000-word treatment, and I don’t […]

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