The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Sad Lesson of a Former ‘Fame Whore’ (Or, Why Slut-Shaming Is a Good Thing)

“I’m beginning to feel like it’s entirely possible I’m ruining my life, and I’ll have absolutely no one to blame but myself and my naiveté.” — Julia Baugher, 2008 She grew up in the affluent northern suburbs of Chicago. Her father was a Princeton-educated lawyer. Her mother once worked for President Nixon. Julia Baugher had […]

Exit Strategy: Did This Guy ‘Red Pill’ His Way Out of a Doomed Relationship?

  Meghan Murphy called attention to this Twitter thread by a female lawyer describing the recent end of her relationship, an exit that was prompted by an “out of the blue” remark by the guy who said he found it “intimidating” that she thinks “so much.” We don’t have his side of the story, and […]

‘The Truth About Who Kills Women’

  It is probably unwise for a feminist to employ the word “truth,” which may provoke someone familiar with the relevant facts: Jessica Valenti is a feminist and a liar, but I repeat myself. A couple of weeks ago, Valenti invited scrutiny of her truthfulness by responding to the murder of a young woman in […]

‘Mattress Girl’ Is Now Mattress ‘They’? The Queer Feminism of Emma Sulkowicz

One of the things about choosing feminism as a subject matter is that you never run out of craziness to write about. No one could ever hope to provide the final, complete, definitive account of how crazy feminists are; the supply of evidence is infinite, and grows larger every day. A curse befalls anyone who […]

Played for a Chump

Life is a team sport, and teamwork requires loyalty. You’re never going to win if your teammates aren’t committed enough to put aside their selfish interests and focus on achieving victory for the team. Often, the worst things that happen to people are not caused by the malice of their enemies, but rather because they […]

The Subjectivity of ‘Harassment’

  If you wish to understand what feminism actually is, and how it affects daily life, I recommend Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism by Daphne Patai. First published in 1998, Heterophobia examines how claims of “harassment” are weaponized to destroy the careers and reputations of men and,in chapters 6 and 7, provides […]

Paging Captain Obvious

“I didn’t expect to be treated like a piece of meat.” So says ex-camgirl Jenny Blighe complaining about her first experience shooting a commercial porn video, asserting that there should be a #MeToo movement for women in the porn business. Excuse me, but maybe if you don’t want “to be treated like a piece of […]

Hollywood Boy Toy Shakedown Racket

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” — Eric Hoffer, The Temper of Our Time, 1967 Look, I’m only going to say this once, so pay attention: No sane person believes that a 17-year-old boy is so traumatized by having sex with a 37-year-old woman that […]

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