The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Fear, Loathing and Deficient Hygiene

TAMPA, Florida We were cruising down U.S. 301 somewhere south of Hawthorne in the pre-dawn gloom, congratulating ourselves on having made good time on our long drive to the Republican National Convention when we saw a sight that inspired panic in our hearts. There, lurking in the fog beside the highway, were three large deer. Terror […]

Todd Akin Rapes Missouri GOP

The only question is whether it was a “legitimate” rape: Whereas Rasmussen polling showed Romney leading pro-abortion President Barack Obama at the end of July and having Romney leading the race in the Show Me State all year, now Obama has the lead. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Missouri Voters finds President […]

Tampa, Here I Come

Driving to Tampa today, after a restless night haunted by the helpless feeling tbat we are doomed beyond all hope of redemption. Todd Akin had the chance to do the right thing Tuesday, and selfishly refused. Now, with the encouragement and support of Mike Huckabee, Akin is digging deeper the grave in which the Democrat-Media […]

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