The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#CPAC2017: Kellyanne Conway, Ted Cruz, Mark Levin, Dana Loesch, Steve Bannon

  NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland A big agenda of speakers today at the Conservative Political Action Conference, although the President doesn’t speak until Friday: Just less than a year ago, Donald Trump decided to skip CPAC – a decision the organization said he would come to regret, since it “sends a clear message to conservatives.” The […]

Fear and Loathing: CPAC Calls Me, and How Can I Answer the Call?

  MEMO FROM THE NATIONAL AFFAIRS DESK: Cynthia Yockey called last night from the Minneapolis airport, where her flight to Baltimore-Washington International had been rerouted due to weather problems in the Midwest. Blame global warming, and also heteropatriarchy, but why take time to assign blame now, eh? No, right now I’m rattling the tip jar […]

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