The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#CPAC2017: Draft Sheriff Clarke

  NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland Saturday night, I spent about 15 minutes talking to Jack Daly, a longtime conservative activist who is a leader of the Draft Sheriff David Clarke for U.S. Senate committee. They want the Milwaukee County sheriff, who has attracted a nationwide following from his appearances on Fox News, to challenge Wisconsin Sen. […]

#CPAC2017: Witches vs. Trump

“[Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” — Pat Robertson, 1992 NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland While thousands of Conservative Political Action Conference attendees were celebrating their movement’s success here — the Breitbart luau was among the many parties Saturday […]

#CPAC2017: @SaveTheStorks Offers Free Services to Help Pregnant Women

  Save the Storks offers services with its mobile medical units. NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland Liberals claim to care about endangered species, even while they advocate the legal slaughter of innocent human beings in the womb. Save the Storks is a pro-life organization that has take a new approach to helping pregnant women, with dozens of […]

Second Amendment and @LogCabinGOP: Because Survival Is the First Natural Right

Gregory Angelo of Log Cabin Republicans at CPAC. NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland An armed society is a polite society, as Robert Heinlein observed, and no right is more important your right to defend your own life. All other rights are meaningless to a dead man, and last year’s terrorist attack in Orlando, where a radical Muslim […]

#CPAC: The Trump-Haters Arrive

A policeman instructs protesters not to block the sidewalk. NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland “So much security,” the young well-dressed woman remarked to her similarly dressed friend as they crossed the road to enter the Gaylord Hotel. “It’s almost as if there’s somebody important here.” Indeed, President Trump is speaking this morning at the Conservative Political Action […]

#CPAC2017: Seen on the Scene

‘The Official Trump Truck’ is, as the president would say, yuuuge. NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland CPAC is like family reunion for bloggers. When I went down to breakfast Thursday morning, the first person I saw was Ed Morrissey of Hot Air.   After breakfast, I went outside for a post-meal smoke, which was where I ran […]

#CPAC 2017: ‘The Deconstruction of the Administrative State’ — Steve Bannon

  NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland President Trump is “maniacally focused” on keeping the promises he made to America during his campaign, White House strategist Steve Bannon said Thursday during a panel with chief of staff Reince Priebus. That includes enforcing immigration law — “protecting the sovereignty of the United States,” as Priebus said — and an […]

#CPAC2017: Joe the Plumber (@RealJTP) Talks Breitbart, Bannon, Trump

NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland Joe Wurzelbacher was just a guy in Ohio in 2008, when he encountered Barack Obama on the campaign trail and asked him a question about taxes that catapulted “Joe the Plumber” to nationwide fame. Now, Joe works with Liberty Alliance and this morning I bumped into him outside CPAC and recorded a […]

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