The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Parenting in the #MeToo Era

  Megan Fox at PJMedia is a mother, with a young son, and she’s angry: Mothers of sons everywhere should be terrified by the constant destruction of men by duplicitous, lying women and an overzealous and political Senate confirmation process. All a scheming broad has to do these days is claim that your son touched […]

Please Help My Brother Kirby: Strange and Savage Tales of ‘Backroads’ McCain

Kirby as a senior at Douglas County (Ga.) High School, 1975. My older brother Kirby is a legend to those who know him. Did I ever mention, for example, that he once dated Miss Teen Georgia? Kirby was working at Six Flags Over Georgia, operating one of the trams that conveyed guests from the parking […]

NY Times: ‘Motherhood Is Hitler’

  The New York Times has a distinctly weird article, written by a British graduate student, smearing traditional stay-at-home mothers with the taint of “white supremacy.” The writer is able to find actual examples of neo-Nazi racialism in the online “tradwives” community, but it is always possible to find examples of anything on the Internet, […]

The Not-So-Secrets of Success

About five years ago — somewhere between the second Anthony Weiner scandal and the time the Kaitlyn Hunt saga made national headlines — I began to realize that our civilization was unraveling because parents were failing to give kids common-sense advice. Many young people (and not a small number of adults) were making bad decisions […]

Patriarchy Means Paying the Bills

My son Jim taking an Easter afternoon hike with his two sons. Friday, I worked from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with my 24-year-old son who does home-improvement contracting jobs with a side business mowing lawns. It was the latter enterprise where I’d volunteered to help, which meant riding around on a zero-turn lawnmower at […]

‘An Uncomfortable Truth’

  Spain is dying. The total fertility rate — average number of lifetime births per woman — is 1.49 in Spain, and this is nearly 30% below replacement level. In December 2015, demographers noted that Spain had passed a crucial milestone — more deaths than births, a harbinger of population decline. Before a nation dies, […]

Fear and Loathing: Three Days, $900, and It’s Morning in Vanuatu Again

“How long, O Lord, how long? Where will it end? “All I ever wanted out of this campaign was enough money to get out of the country and live for a year or two in peaceful squalor in a house with a big screen porch looking down on an empty white beach, with a good […]

Forever Young

  Did I ever mention my wife is beautiful? That photo of us back in the day, when Mrs. McCain was so skinny (and I had so much hair) is one of those images that I occasionally enjoy sharing, just to remind everybody that (a) I wasn’t always an old guy, and (b) my wife […]

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