The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Spy Who Shtupped Me

From Merry Old England comes some interesting news — police spies leading the War on Extremist Nookie: A police spy married an activist he met while undercover in the environmental protest movement and then went on to have children with her, the Guardian can reveal. He is the fourth spy now to have been identified […]

Salvia, Zeitgeist and the Tucson Shooter

Leaving aside Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and the Left’s “blood libel” hysteria, let’s examine the factors that really motivated mass murderer Jared Lee Loughner. First, here is a four-minute Associated Press video interview with George Osler, father of Loughner’s friend Osler: “There was a lot of talk about lucid dreaming and understanding reality. . . . […]

Save the Bats!

They’re not cute and cuddly like baby seals, but we don’t want to kill them, do we? Conservationists filed suit Wednesday to block the start of Maryland’s first industrial wind project, contending the turbines built atop the state’s highest mountain in Garrett County threaten to harm federally protected rare bats. Making good on a threat […]

A. Because They Hate Babies

Q. Why do environmentalists support population control? A thoroughly dishonest and disgusting “climate change” ad: Jill Stanek points out the dishonesty: But the thing is they don’t like children to begin with. They think children are the problem. They push for people not to have children. They push to kill preborn children. Save the baby humans!

Terrorism on Four Hooves

Victim of the whitetail jihad: This was not an accident. This was a premeditated suicide attack on my 2004 KIA Optima. The Islamicists hate us for our freedom. The deer hate us for our Korean sedans. Although, of course, it was the deer that was K.I.A. (Notice the tufts of fur stuck in the grill.) […]

‘Send the Body to John Holdren’

If a domestic terrorist’s rhetoric had echoed the arguments of a Bush administration official, the media would be in a howling fury, so why no fury over the deranged kook who took over the Discovery Networks headquarters? Professor Glenn Reynolds explains: Filthy. Parasites. Disgusting, overbreeding candidates for sterilization and extermination. Possessed of false morals and a “breeding culture.” […]

Reality TV Show Abruptly Cancelled Due to Low Ratings and Police Gunfire

But mainly police gunfire. Just woke up from a long nap here in Anchorage and this was the big news: SILVER SPRING, Md. — Police shot and killed a gunman who held three hostages for several hours Wednesday at the Discovery Communications building in Silver Spring, Md., authorities said. They said the hostages were safe. […]

They’ll Never Steal a Chevy Volt

Car thieves aren’t doing their share to save the planet: The Cadillac Escalade, a big luxury sport-utility vehicle, once the favorite of rappers and moguls alike, remains tops for average insurance theft losses, according to the insurance industry’s Highway Loss Data Institute report out today. Other automotive eye candy, such as the Chevrolet Corvette Z06, […]

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