The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Green Energy Underpants Gnomes

An item at Doug Ross’s blog inspired this business plan: Raise big bucks for Obama’s campaign. Start a “green energy” company. Get an Energy Department grant. Profit!

Peace, Love and Murder: Green Radicals Target Brandon Darby on ‘Hit List’

This hippy-dippy flower-child stuff may sound silly and harmless: “F–k me open like a prayer book,” the poet declaimed, setting down his guitar to recite. It was Sunday evening on the grounds of an aging, pink/orange stucco home in a Lake Worth immigrant neighborhood, and the Monkeywrench Cafe — a one-time-only affair — was drawing […]

Mad Scientist Calls for ‘Murderous Rampage’ Against Watchdog Group

“I gotta be me, as the douchebag credo goes.” — Ace of Spades In November, the Franklin Center’s Tori Richards and Earl Glynn did a Colorado Watchdog report on National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. Richards and Glynn revealed the exorbitant salaries paid to top officials of this little-known Carter-era “green energy” boondoggle: NREL’s top […]

Virginia Town’s Airport Is Collateral Damage in Obama’s ‘War on Coal’

“The front page of Thursday’s Washington Times features a story about how the Obama administration’s ‘war on coal’ has thwarted plans by the tiny Appalachian town of Grundy to expand its airport. The hostile regulatory climate imposed by the president’s environmental agenda has been a steady theme of Romney’s stump speeches. The coal issue also […]

Occupy the Environment!

Tired of being oppressed by endangered species? Do you curse the caribou in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge every time you pay $4 a gallon to fill up your SUV? Have you ever felt the urge to go hunting for spotted owl? Do you consider the Delta smelt an existential menace? It’s us or them. […]

Heartland Institute Hits Global Warming With Ted Kaczynski Billboard Campaign

This is brilliant: Billboards in Chicago paid for by The Heartland Institute point out that some of the world’s most notorious criminals say they “still believe in global warming” — and ask viewers if they do, too. . . . The billboard series features Ted Kaczynski, the infamous Unabomber; Charles Manson, a mass murderer; and […]

Obama Throws EPA Moron Under Bus, Bashes Republicans, Panders to Unions

“Oh, the wheels on the bus go round and round!“ Guess what? Obama’s big corporate donors don’t like being “crucified” by the EPA: Top EPA official resigns over ‘crucify’ comment — Associated Press Days after damaging video surfaces, EPA regional chief Armendariz resigns — Dallas Morning News E.P.A. Official Resigns Over ‘Crucify’ Comments — New […]

House Republicans Head Off Obama Administration’s Threat to Hunting

Audrey Hudson at Human Events reports: The House on Tuesday passed legislation giving hunters and fishing enthusiasts access to certain public lands to pursue their sport and also blocked the Environmental Protection Agency from banning lead for use in ammunition and fishing tackle. This is one of those laws that people with common sense might […]

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