The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hillary Finds Her Scapegoat

  This was predictable: Hillary Clinton on Saturday cast blame for her surprise election loss on the announcement by the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, days before the election that he had revived the inquiry into her use of a private email server. In her most extensive remarks since she conceded the race to Donald […]

Parents: Warn Your Children Not to Apply to George Mason University

GMU admissions officer Andrew Bunting hates Republicans. George Mason University’s admissions office is staffed by intolerant Democrats who hate anyone who disagrees with them: On his public Facebook page, GMU’s Senior Assistant Director of Admissions Andrew Bunting claimed he is fearful of Donald Trump’s presidency because the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), a group that […]

The Blunders of Hillary’s Campaign

  “What difference, at this point, does it make?” Well, to Democrats trying to figure out exactly how Hillary Clinton lost the election, it makes a lot of difference, Ed Morrissey explains: For forty-eight hours, Democrats stunned by the most shocking presidential-race outcome in at least 68 years seemed more than willing to follow Team […]

Laci Green (@gogreen18) Is a Lying Atheist Democrat, But I Repeat Myself

  Laci Green is a pervert who likes talking to kids about sex. Basically, she’s a female Anthony Weiner, but because she calls herself a “sex educator,” some people don’t realize what a sick freak she is. Then on Tuesday night, she erupted in an obscenity-strewn meltdown: “We are now under total Republican rule. Textbook fascism. […]

At Yale University, Special Snowflakes™ Are Traumatized by Republican Victory

“I cannot even function right now. As a queer, black woman, I feel unsafe in this country.” — Isis Davis-Marks, Yale sophomore We must remember, at moments like these, that Yale University began as a school to train puritan (Congregationalist) clergy, and that among Yale’s most eminent early graduates was Jonathan Edwards, historically famous for […]

#NotMyPresident Protests and Talk of Secession After Democrats Lose Election

  Yes, they call themselves the Democratic Party, but they don’t actually seem to believe in democracy, do they? The New York Times reports: Thousands of people across the country marched, shut down highways, burned effigies and shouted angry slogans on Wednesday night to protest the election of Donald J. Trump as president. The demonstrations, […]

Exit Polls: Hillary Clinton Defeated by Homophobic White Racist Patriarchy

  The online Left has spent the past 24 hours lashing itself into a frothing frenzy of Fear and Loathing such as I haven’t seen in years. You’d have to go back to the Bush/Gore 2000 Florida meltdown to find more rage, paranoia and partisan hatred than we’ve seen since it became apparent Tuesday night […]

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

  The encroaching gloom that overtook liberals Tuesday night as Donald Trump’s victory became apparent was a once-in-lifetime moment of joy, made all the more joyous by how completely unexpected it was: Shortly after 9:30 p.m. ET Tuesday, Rachel Maddow felt a need to inform MSNBC viewers they weren’t hallucinating. “You’re awake by the way,” […]

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