Hillary Is Madonna or Something
Everybody wants to play pundit nowadays. The New York Times unleashed its arts writers on the most over-analyzed election in history: “I was called a whore and a witch,” Madonna said on Friday in a searing speech about the sexism and bullying that women face in the music industry and the culture at large. “Such […]
UCLA Feminist Identifies as Heterosexual, Blames ‘White Feminism’ for Trump
UCLA sophomore Graciela Barada is not LGBT. A feminist student at the University of California at Los Angeles has admitted she is heterosexual. Sophomore Graciela Barada confessed her heterosexuality in Fem (“UCLA’s Feminist Newsmagazine Since 1973”), in a Nov. 17 column about the recent presidential election, entitled “Dear White Liberal Friends, Family, and Peers.” “Our […]
Amid Dow Boom, Liberal Media Gloom
In the weeks leading up to the Nov. 8 election, Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) warned of economic disaster if Donald Trump won. “Economists: A Trump win would tank the markets,” was the Oct. 21 headline at Politico, and on Nov. 6 — two days before the election, when some polls showed […]
‘Hashtag He’s Your President’
Inside their liberal echo chamber, hermetically sealed by epistemic closure, Democrats never have to consider the possibility that they’re wrong. Their friends at the New York Times and CNN all agree with them, as does every professor at Columbia, Yale and other major universities, and every celebrity in Hollywood. Democrats never talk to anyone […]
War on Women: Democrats Ready to Throw Nancy Pelosi Under the Bus?
The irony here is rather delicious: In the aftermath of Democrats’ demoralizing election defeat, Representative Nancy Pelosi’s bid to return as minority leader has been transformed into a larger debate about what has gone wrong with a party that eight years ago controlled Congress and the White House. Ms. Pelosi, a 76-year-old San Francisco […]
Welcome to Trump Territory
SOMEWHERE IN FLORIDA Donald Trump got 61% of the vote in this county, winning it by a margin of 40,000 votes. Considering that Trump’s statewide margin in Florida was only 120,000 votes, that means he got a third of his win right here. We can explain this in four words: Rich, old, white people. […]
Step One: FAIL
This feminist bumper sticker — “Hillary 2016, Michelle 2014, Chelsea 2032, Sasha 2040, Malia 2048” — was designed by Karin Hildebrand Lau. It was posted to Tumblr in July by a “non-binary queer intersectional feminist” who said “Reblog this to make Conservatives angry.” Oops. Believing themselves to be On The Right Side of History, progressives have […]
Gay Marxists Hate Donald Trump
Who hates Donald Trump? Communist homosexuals, that’s who! Two separate Marxist groups — the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) and the Workers World Party (WWP, a/k/a ANSWER Coalition) — have been prominent in anti-Trump protests since the election. “Don’t collaborate” with the president-elect, RCP tells Americans. The RCP is a Maoist cult led […]
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