Race Divides #WomensMarch as Black Feminists Tell White Women to Shut Up
The Women’s March on Washington (@WomensMarch on Twitter) is scheduled for Jan. 21 — the day after President Trump’s inauguration — but the planning has been marred by internal strife: Many thousands of women are expected to converge on the nation’s capital for the Women’s March on Washington the day after Donald J. Trump’s […]
3 Theses: PUAs, ‘Sexuality’ and Feminism
My work output has been irregular since Christmas, but I’ve got thousands of words in draft that I mean to finish. However, today I’m babysitting my youngest grandson, and there are a few thoughts that have been accumulating in my mind during my research recently, and so I want to just lay them out while […]
Democrat @MJB_SF Hates White Men, Denounces ‘Stupid People’ in Midwest
The Midwest is a “s–thole” full of “stupid people,” a place where “no educated person wants to live,” according to Melinda Byerley, a Democrat who lives in San Francisco. In a Facebook post and a series of Twitter messages Saturday, Ms. Byerley described residents of the Midwest as “violent, racist, and/or misogynistic” people whose “towns […]
Video Shows Democrat Hate Crime in Chicago: ‘F–k Trump! F–k White People!’
Four young supporters of Barack Obama wanted to show the world what the Democrat Party stands for, so they kidnapped a mentally disabled young white man, bound and gagged him, and tortured him in a West Side Chicago apartment, livestreaming video of their hate crime on Facebook. Police say they have arrested four 18-year-old […]
Donald Trump Will Be Our President, Because @Madeleine_Rae Is Crazy
“If you’re a woman in today’s job market, it can be hard to find work. That’s why I recommend you ‘lean in’ — to the arms of a dying rich man.” — Madeleine Davies, March 19, 2015 Madeleine Davies (@Madeleine_Rae on Twitter) is insane and a feminist, but I repeat myself. She graduated from the […]
Unhinged by Hate: Georgetown Professor Harasses Trump Voter @AsraNomani
The paranoid rage, anxiety and depression within the Democrat Party in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s defeat has been most intense inside elite academia. At Yale University, students were reportedly traumatized by the election results, a Rutgers University professor was sent to a mental ward after his bizarre Twitter rant, and a Women’s Studies […]
Paranoid Democrat Cancels Annual Holiday Party, Blames Trump/Hitler
“Henry Rosen has been a Dallas resident for nearly 40 years,” reads the caption at the Daily Kos column headlined, “Why Trump voters are not welcome in my house this holiday,” which is full-on paranoia: My wife Alice and I are not having our after-the-holidays party this year. It’s a 20+ year tradition; a […]
Having a Merry Trump Christmas, Because @Jillboard Hates Jesus
Jillian Gutowitz, trying unsuccessfully to become popular on YouTube, July 2013.’ Jill Gutowitz (@Jillboard on Twitter) is a lesbian feminist Democrat from New Jersey who lives in Los Angeles, where she spent Election Night at a gay bar watching her entire world come crashing down in flames: We thought we’d be able to ring in […]
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