The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The 2016 White House Game, Briefly

It is a mistake for Republicans to look past the 2014 mid-terms, yet much of the current discussion among conservatives is distorted by the attempt to identify a consensus presidential pick for 2016. Because everybody’s playing that game, I’ll indulge speculation briefly. Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal are the three names currently getting […]

Paul Broun Will Seek Georgia Senate Seat Vacated by Retiring Sen. Saxby Chambliss

Andrew O’Shea of Viral Read broke the story last night: At an event in Gwinnett County, Republican Rep. Paul Broun announced he will seek Saxby Chambliss’s seat in 2014. Actually, Broun’s wife Niki announced the news, as Jim Galloway of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution notes. There is expected to be a multi-candidate GOP primary for the […]


Just when you were feeling down in the dumps — still 1,460 days remaining in Obama’s second term — Amanda Read brings you reason to hope: Say hello to Stanley Mack, a U.S. Navy veteran who is running for Congress in Alabama’s 7th District in 2014. It’s a 3-to-1 Democrat district, but there is reason […]

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) to Retire

This news creates a huge opportunity for Republicans in 2014 in an increasingly GOP-leaning state: Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller will not run for reelection in 2014, passing up a bid for a sixth term and putting in play a Senate seat in deep red West Virginia. (Via Memeorandum.) The big question, of course, is whether […]

Professional GOP Swindlers

It seems that David Dewhurst’s campaign manager broke Rule One of the Republican Party Operative Handbook: “Don’t get caught.” AUSTIN — Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst’s campaign manager is under criminal scrutiny, suspected of stealing at least $600,000 — and possibly more than $1 million — from the Republican’s political accounts over the past several years. […]

The Obama Age: ‘That ’70s Show’

In last night’s traditional Christmas round-up — genius! — I began by quoting Rob Long’s doom-and-gloom comments from a New York magazine feature about the post-election National Review Caribbean cruise, an article you should read in its entirety, if you want to be thoroughly depressed about the uselessness of our conservative elite: Wonks, pundits, pollsters […]

How Romney Lost America

AOSHQ co-blogger Drew M on Twitter recommended this Boston Globe retrospective on the Romney campaign as thoroughly depressing: It was two weeks before Election Day when Mitt Romney’s political ­director signed a memo that all but ridiculed the notion that the Republican presidential nominee, with his “better ground game,” could lose the key state of […]

$118.9 Million

In the final weeks of the 2012 election season, Mitt Romney’s campaign collected $85.9 million in contributions. During the same time period, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and his wife donated $33 million to two Republican “super-PACs.” They lost. Maybe you noticed. Suggestions of more helpful uses for that money are hereby solicited. Sheldon Adelson never […]

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