S.C. Primary: Will Tea Party Rally Behind Curtis Bostic Against Mark Sanford?
Family values: Curtis Bostic with his wife and five children Dana Loesch this morning expressed disappointment that disgraced former Gov. Mark Sanford finished first in the South Carolina GOP congressional special-election primary. But it’s a runoff state, and Sanford only got 37 percent of the vote, while former Charleston City Councilman Curtis Bostic was second with 13 percent […]
The Fight Begins Now: Mid-Term 2014
NATIONAL HARBOR, Maryland The big headlines out of CPAC this year, as usual, were focused on main-stage speeches by potential Republican presidential candidates for 2016, but that’s still three years away and conservatives cannot afford to look past next year’s mid-term election. So, to me, one of the most important events of this week’s conference was this: […]
Even Cthulhu Needs A Change Of Laundry At The Thought Of Clinton/Obama 2016
by Smitty As an act of terror designed to stimulate conservatives into action, it’s hard to exceed this goad: Hillary Clinton hasn’t stepped into the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries yet and there’s already buzz growing for the ultimate grrl power ticket: Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama. “All due respect for President Obama and Vice […]
Truth in Humor: Ashley Judd Edition
Ashley Judd (D-Scotland) “If and when Judd actually tosses her hat into the ring, the race would automatically become the marquee political story of 2014.” — Alan Schroeder, Huffington Post One of the important things about appreciating sarcasm is that it helps to understand intent: What is being mocked, and why? Otherwise, the cruel jests may seem […]
The Unstoppable Progressive Juggernaut of Future Kentucky Senator Puffy Face
Barren middle-aged actress Ashley Judd hates babies Fox News headline: Source: Ashley Judd moving forward with run for Mitch McConnell’s Senate seat in Kentucky Could this possibly happen? Could someone this far left possibly win in Kentucky? I dunno. Ace of Spades headline: Puffy Faced Woman Who Hates Coal and Childbirth to Run for Senate In Kentucky […]
Short Answer: ‘No’
Jonathan Martin of Politico floats a question: “Dems 2016: Will Hillary Clinton clear the field?” And the answer is, “no.” Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley is almost 100 percent certain to run and is already assembling his 2016 presidential campaign. Republicans should not make the mistake, as many did in the lead-up to 2008, of basing their […]
Ed Markey’s ‘Legitimate Rape’ Moment?
Washington Free Beacon: Rep. Ed Markey (D., Mass.), who is running to replace recently appointed Secretary of State John Kerry in the Senate, compared the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision to the 1858 decision to uphold slavery, according to BuzzFeed. Markey made reference to the Koch brothers and Karl Rove spending undisclosed amounts of money […]
The Great Karl Rove Super PAC Scare
Having said nothing about all this previously, my inclination is to discourage pre-emptive panic among grassroots conservatives. Until we get down to cases — in a clear-cut situation where a Republican primary pits a solid conservative against a Establishment RINO type hand-picked by Karl Rove — there’s no point getting all angry or frightened about […]
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