The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

More Arrests in Mississippi Scandal

The weirdest political scandal ever: Authorities say the vice chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party and two other men conspired with Clayton Kelly to photograph U.S. Sen. Thad Cochran’s bedridden wife in her nursing home and create a political video against Cochran. Mark Mayfield of Ridgeland, an attorney and state and local tea party leader, […]

So What If The #VA Scandal Is Just #ObamaCare Meets #Benghazi?

by Smitty Americans in general and veterans in particular are far too spun up about the VA scandal. This has led to at least one scurrilous photo-bumming incident already. And why? What difference, at this point, do these veterans make? The WSJ gets it all wrong: The recent revelations about the Department of Veterans Affairs […]

The Tea Party is Over: @Allahpundit and Mitch McConnell Declare Victory

It’s “Spring Time for Mitch” over there at RINOville: Politico has a pre-election postmortem on how McConnell beat back the tea party, although most of it will be familiar to you if you’ve been following the race even casually. . . . Between McConnell’s easy ride to victory and Lindsey Graham’s trouble-free reelection campaign in South Carolina thus far, […]

Democrats Trail by 7 Points

A new poll by Politico shows that ObamaCare is a loser for Democrats in key congressional races, with Republicans holding a 7-point edge less than six months before the November mid-term elections. Of course, six months is a lifetime in politics, and there’s no telling what the situation will look like on the first Tuesday […]

Washington Post Shocked — Shocked! — to Learn Failed President Is Unpopular

Gloom, despair and agony for Democrats: Democrats face serious obstacles as they look to the November elections, with President Obama’s approval rating at a new low and a majority of voters saying they prefer a Congress in Republican hands to check the president’s agenda, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Obama’s approval rating […]

MSNBC’s War on Women: Why Has Network Abandoned Wendy Davis?

Simple answer: Because she’s an embarrassing loser! The liberal journalists at MSNBC have been quite enamored with Texas gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis, constantly promoting her Democratic campaign. Yet, a new poll showing her trailing by 14 points has gone unmentioned on the network. Even more interesting, Republican candidate Greg Abbott is beating Davis even among women, 49-41. The […]

Marsha Blackburn, Steel Magnolia

The suggestion that Rep. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee might consider a 2016 Republican presidential campaign is encouraging. One does not wish to see the GOP play a “Me, Too” game of identity politics with the Democrats, yet conservatives must be realistic and practical in our approach to electoral marketing strategy. The reality is that Republicans […]

War to the Knife, Knife to the Hilt

Maybe the National Republican Senatorial Committee thought it was a smart move to play the race card against Tea Party challenger Chris McDaniel, but the backlash was overwhelming and it comes at exactly the wrong time for the NRSC’s doomed effort to protect septuagenarian Senator Thad Cochran. Glenn Reynolds, William Jacobson and Vinnie the K […]

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