The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is the Mississippi GOP Corrupt?

The dishonest effort to re-elect Thad Cochran hits a new low: The “super PAC” supporting the senator . . . is paying African-American leaders, including Bishop Crudup, to help lift black turnout on Tuesday, said Pete Perry, a Republican strategist here who is working for the group. Who is Pete Perry? Who is funding this […]

Libertarians Are Hitler or Something

Eric Cantor was the only Republican Jew in Congress, so when he lost a GOP primary to economics professor Dave Brat, the Left instantly created a narrative that this represented some kind of neo-Nazi tendency of Brat’s libertarian-leaning Tea Party supporters. There are a few obvious problems with this claim, of course: Libertarianism is the […]

#ConcedeCochran: Will Republicans Keep Wasting More Money on the Loser?

AUGUSTA, Georgia We left Mississippi at 9:30 this morning, which gave me barely enough time to file a column for The American Spectator: The most closely watched campaign in the country will continue for another three weeks, as Tea Party-backed challenger Chris McDaniel and Sen. Thad Cochran head to a June 24 runoff in the […]

Mississippi Primary Results HQ

HATTIESBURG, Mississippi UPDATE 10:40 p.m. CDT: Now with 93% of precincts reporting, McDaniel’s lead is 3,086 votes. He is at 49.7% of the vote, Cochran at 48.7%. If necessary, a runoff would be June 24. UPDATE 10:10 p.m. CDT: With 89% of precincts reporting, McDaniel’s lead is about 3,500 votes. UPDATE 9:40 p.m. CDT: With […]

‘Like a Plot Twist in a Faulkner Novel’

ITAWAMBA COUNTY, Mississippi Working from an enormous cabin in the middle of a 37-acre forest, it feels like I’m in a remote wilderness, although I’m actually just 15 miles from Tupelo. Our accommodations Monday night were graciously provided by a local Tea Party lady who knows Ali Akbar, and the mailing address here is Mantachie […]

Can Chris McDaniel Close the Deal?

TUPELO, Mississippi About 40 supporters showed up at 8 a.m. to greet Chris McDaniel at Chick-fil-A here in one of the final stops of the conservative challenger’s campaign before Tuesday’s Republican primary. “If we can unseat a 42-year incumbent, it will send shock waves through this country,” McDaniel told his supporters, encouraging them to “push […]

Mississippi Update: Chris McDaniel Campaign Fights GOP Establishment

HATTIESBURG, Mississippi The final push of the Tea Party-backed fight to defeat Sen. Thad Cochran in the Republican primary brought big names to Mississippi this weekend in support of conservative challenger Chris McDaniel. Sarah Palin came to campaign for him Friday: Had a great time today in the lovely Magnolia State rallying to elect Chris […]

Craig McCulloch Is the Real Deal

NEW ORLEANS Last night, I attended an event for Craig McCulloch, a candidate for Congress in Louisiana’s 6th District. McCulloch is one of nine — yes, I said nine — Republicans running for this seat, whereas octogenarian sleazeball Edwin Edwards is the best the Democrats could come up with, in a district where more than […]

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