And @AlecMacGillis Misses the Bus
To quote what I said Wednesday: The aftermath of a wave election always involves a contest by partisans and pundits to seize control of the narrative, to tell us What It Really Means, although usually the truth can only be known with the advantage of hindsight. When Democrats sustain a world-historic ass-kicking, as they did Tuesday, a certain […]
The Sweet Hangover of Victory
Tuesday’s Republican tsunami left Harry Reid disgraced and desperate to rescue some semblance of Democrat relevance: Reid has run the US Senate for the past eight years like a dictatorship, steadily eroding minority privileges to the point where Republicans couldn’t offer amendments or put up any significant resistance to Barack Obama’s radical appointments, unless Democrats […]
Election 2014 BREAKING: GOP Wins Senate Majority, @AoSHQDD Says
UPDATE 11 p.m. ET: Always trust the reliable source: —> RT @AoSHQDD: Republicans have won control of the United States Senate, carrying #IASen, #NCSen. — John Ekdahl (@JohnEkdahl) November 5, 2014 Heteronormative patriarchy #WINNING RT Wendy Davis didn’t even win women: @AsheSchow @instapundit — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 5, 2014 It’s a blowout, […]
Michelle Nunn Pulls a Grimes?
Trouble for Democrats in Georgia: Another Democratic Senate candidate has refused to say whether she voted for President Obama: This time it was Michelle Nunn in Georgia. The same question has tripped up other red-state Democrats on the campaign trail. On two occasions over the past week, Kentucky’s Alison Lundergan Grimes has been panned for […]
The #Ebola Media Epidemic
It was probably only a matter of time before CNN producers figured out that Ebola is cable-news ratings gold. Today I was babysitting my infant grandson and, on a whim, turned the TV to CNN and left it there all day, while they were wall-to-wall with URGENT BREAKING EBOLA UPDATES the way they do with […]
The Election Thing
Let me say, to begin with, that elections matter. From 2009 (the Doug Hoffman campaign in NY-23) through 2012, nobody argued more strenuously than I did about the importance of winning elections, and nobody covered campaigns with the kind of gonzo fanaticism that I brought to the gig. In the past couple of years, however, […]
Never Let a Crisis, Etc.
Democrat shamelessness is highly contagious: After [ABC “This Week”] host George Stephanopoulos highlighted how “Nate Silver’s team at FiveThirtyEight gives the GOP a 59% of retaking the Senate” [former Obama administration official] Van Jones shamefully urged Democrats to use Ebola as a talking point in 2014: We can’t let the Republicans get away with some […]
Senate Poll Wars
Less than seven weeks before Election Day 2014, the epic struggle to control the media narrative continues: Democrats are now (very slightly) favored to hold the Senate majority on Nov. 4, according to Election Lab, The Post’s statistical model of the 2014 midterm elections. Election Lab puts Democrats’ chances of retaining their majority at 51 […]
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