Those Danged Voters!
Donald Trump scored huge victories in the Super Tuesday primaries and is now “unstoppable” in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, according to veteran GOP campaign strategist Ed Rollins: Game over! This was a rout, America. Winning seven states and the vast majority of delegates is a landslide. Donald Trump and the millions […]
Democrat Armageddon
Top headlines at the Drudge Report, as of 6:30 a.m. ET today: CORRUPTION: SHE HAS EQUAL DELEGATES AS SANDERS… JAY CARNEY: OBAMA WANTS HILLARY TO WIN… O ON DEFENSE: ‘I AM PROGRESSIVE’… HILLARY ALLIES INTENSIFY RACE ATTACKS… CBC leaders to endorse her — at the DNC! Sanders woos the black vote… Ta-Nehisi Coates Backs […]
N.H.: Hillary Will Lose, But What Difference, at This Point, Does It Make?
Polls forecast a defeat for Clinton tonight: Donald Trump continues to lead the Republican race in New Hampshire on the eve of the vote, the final CNN/WMUR tracking poll finds. On the Democratic side of the race, it remains Bernie Sanders’ primary to lose, with the Vermont senator holding a 26-point lead over Hillary […]
The Iowa Caucus Is Rape Culture
Does that headline make sense? Of course not, but I’ve been reading so much feminist literature lately, I’ve come to realize that expecting headlines to make sense is patriarchal oppression. “Shut the f–k up! Because patriarchy!” To a feminist, everything is rape culture, and so the Iowa caucus must be part of it somehow. When […]
Jeb Bush will lose. The question is, will he be crushed, embarrassed and humiliated so badly that he quits? Probably not: Jeb Bush’s supporters have spent $15 million on slickly produced ads to win over Iowa voters. Barely registering in the polls and increasingly desperate in the shadow of the Iowa caucuses, he’s now trying […]
Democrats, Feminists and Other Liars
Let’s begin with something that should be obvious, but which has seldom been stated explicitly: There is no objective reason for the recent upsurge of radical feminism in the United States. However bad sexism is today, it is not worse than it was five years ago or 10 years ago. In fact, there is […]
Will Cruz Cruise or Get Trumped?
The battle for Iowa seems to be coming down to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump. Of course, there are likely to be five candidates still in the race after the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses, but the debate Thursday highlighted the clash between Cruz and Trump: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz clashed Thursday […]
Real Feminists Support Bernie Sanders
One of the things I notice while searching feminist Tumblr accounts is the high level of support for Bernie Sanders. This wouldn’t seem to make sense — shouldn’t feminists support Hillary Clinton? But feminism is a left-wing movement and Sanders is an unapologetic socialist, plus Hillary Clinton has a history of defending “rape culture”: […]
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