1:02 a.m. ET WEDNESDAY: It’s over. Incredible. Donald Trump is winning Pennsylvania — Pennsylvania! A state no Republican has won since 1992. UPDATE 1:15 a.m.: Keep in mind, I said a month ago, Trump was doomed. And I was wrong. Like almost everybody else, I underestimated the intensity of anger driving this Trump vote, and […]
It’s Not Illegal Yet
Yes, that’s my wife and I with our “I voted” stickers at the polling place. It is still legal for white heterosexual Christians to vote in America, although I’m not sure how much longer this will remain true.
Hate, Lies and ‘Social Justice’
Dishonesty, selfishness and cruelty are the basic principles of the Democrat Party in 2016, although “social justice” is what Democrats call their perverse ideology. As the American people go to the polls today, Hillary Clinton’s supporters are expressing their dangerous beliefs: “What about diversity of opinion?” That question has been a common response to our […]
Polls Say Hillary Will Win, So Democrats Don’t Actually Need to Vote for Her
It’s going to be a shoo-in, a walkover, a one-sided electoral landslide for Hillary Clinton on Tuesday. This tsunami of support means that anybody who was worried that Donald Trump might win can just relax and stay home Tuesday. Don’t bother to vote, Democrats. It’s in the bag. Clinton 3 Points Ahead of Trump […]
If Hillary Loses Ohio …
. . . well, finish that sentence however you wish: Republican Donald Trump holds a 5-point lead over Democrat Hillary Clinton in Ohio, where her support among women is collapsing, according to a new poll released Wednesday by Quinnipiac University. If the election were today, Trump would get 46 percent to Clinton’s 41 percent […]
Liberals and Their Nightmare Fantasies
Every four years, the Republican Party choose a man to be labeled the next Hitler by liberals. Having been born during the presidency of Eisenhower (who opposed Communism and was therefore Hitler, in the liberal imagination) and having lived through the presidencies of five other Republican presidents, I can tell you that at least […]
Bad news today for “Crooked Hillary”: Donald Trump has surged to within 1 point of Hillary Clinton in a national poll released Sunday morning. Clinton leads Trump, 46 to 45 percent, in a four-way race including Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson and the Green Party’s Jill Stein in the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll. […]
The Really Important Headlines
Randi Zurenko is charged with having sex with two girls. Teacher hit with 200 charges in teen lesbian sex scandal: Cops — Oct. 21 Nia Davies was charged with having sex with a girl. Lesbian teacher who had 10-month affair with teen pupil faces being struck off — Oct. 12 Kimberly Naquin was charged with having sex […]
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