The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Don’t Get Cocky, But Do Note The Aroma Of Fear Wafting From The Left

by Smitty Two weeks is a long time in politics, but the Romney campaign seems to have done the homework. Don’t be afraid to say a prayer for Mitt as he heads into the final debate. I don’t care who you are: that’s some stress. via American Power Update: welcome, Instapundit readers!

RNC Trounces DNC in Fundraising as Democrat Party Goes Bankrupt

The official Federal Election Committee reports for September are out, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s DNC is a complete wreck. The Democrats ended September with cash on hand of $4.6 million, compared to the Republican National Committee’s $82.6 million. That’s nearly an 18-to-1 cash advantage for Republicans. Worse still for the DNC, they had to take […]

The Left’s War on True the Vote

As polls continue to show surging momentum for Republicans ahead of Election Day, left-wing groups allied with the Democratic Party and the Obama campaign have orchestrated a nationwide attack on conservative-led efforts to prevent vote fraud. Maryland Democrat Rep. Elijah Cumming has sent letters to Houston-based True the Vote requesting “specific documents about the manner […]

VIDEO: Romney Touts Bipartisanship in Positive New Campaign Ad

Very simple — a clip from the second debate: This ad should scare the daylights out of Democrats: For Romney to be running a positive ad this late in the campaign is a gesture of confidence. And it is likewise a gesture of confidence for Romney to be making this kind of appeal to bipartisanship, […]

Nate Silver Asks: Whose Shark Is This, and Why Do I Feel a Need to Jump It?

It seems so long ago, but it was only late September, when Jonathan Chait dismissed as “poll denialists” those who expressed skepticism about the validity of polls showing Barack Obama sailing to an easy victory in Ohio and elsewhere. We were, said Chait, “totally crazy” for questioning the samples of these polls. Three weeks later, Romney […]

#Winning: Va. Tech College Republicans

Danielle Saul is youth coordinator for the George Allen campaign. When I saw her in Charlottesville last night, Dani said she was on her way to Blacksburg where tonight Allen will debate Democrat candidate What’s-His-Name on the campus of Virginia Tech University. She said something about putting up signs. I thought nothing more about it […]

GALLUP: ROMNEY 52, OBAMA 45 — Let the Great 2012 Liberal Freak-Out Begin!

They convinced themselves that Obama “won” Tuesday’s debate, but Romney actually gains in the first Gallup national tracking poll with post-debate reaction? Oh, boy. UPDATE: Ace explains what happened:  The debate was not a victory for Obama. It was a confirmation of Romney’s acceptability, plausibility, and fitness for office. Yesterday, Sully admitted he had been “on […]

Military Endorsements Aren’t Decisive. That Said: WOW!

by Smitty In deference to #OccupyResoluteDesk, he has half a dozen military endorsements: Name Note Wesley Clark, four star General (Ret), former Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO, 2004 presidential candidate Tool. Richard Danzig, former Secretary of the Navy Not a proper veteran, but we can’t get to ‘half a dozen’ without some sort of […]

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