The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

This Might Be News: Another Plot Twist in the Mystery of ‘The Maltese Professor’?

Given the proliferation of “fake news,” it’s hard to know what to believe, but this story certainly seems interesting: It was a chance romantic encounter by George Papadopoulos that set in train the events that led to the Australian government tipping off Washington about what it knew of Russian hacking efforts to swing the US […]

Manafort and Associate Indicted in Mueller’s Russia Investigation

  First, the news: Donald Trump’s former presidential campaign manager, Paul Manafort, has been charged with conspiring to defraud the US in his dealings with Ukraine. The 12 charges brought against Mr Manafort and one of his business associates, Rick Gates, include conspiracy to launder money. Mr Manafort and his lawyer have arrived at an […]

Nation-Building President Ain’t Got Time For Backstabbery

by Smitty Jazz Shaw over at HotAir is off the mark, methinks, with: “In three tweets, Trump undoes all the gains he made during Irma and Harvey” Trump is showing loyalty to FEMA and military responders who are doing optimal work. If you want them to work above “adequate”, you don’t let your peoples’ efforts […]

The Scary Trump/Reagan Resemblance

by Smitty Shapiro at NRO gives Trump the Full Freud. Read the whole thing, but note this: The civil war that’s likely to occur over Trump, then, isn’t over Trumpism. It’s just about him. Those who wish to harness the power of Trump — the id of the movement — are mistaken if they think […]

‘We Will Not Set Arbitrary Timelines’: Kellogg Has Skin in Afghanistan Game

National security advisor retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg.   President Trump’s decision to send 4,000 more U.S. troops to Afghanistan has enraged some of his supporters, who see it as a broken promise, as he had frequently criticized the Obama administration’s policy during the campaign. What is Trump’s Afghanistan strategy? His national security adviser, retired […]

Why the South Is Rising Again

  “These Democrats will do whatever they have to stop the president.” “Now they’re making a big deal about statues? Who cares about statues!” That exchange between two guys in a diner in Long Island, N.Y., was overheard by a former Democratic congressman, Steve Israel, who is no fan of Donald Trump, but who is […]


  “Dance with the one that brung ya,” is always good advice in politics. Elected officials must represent the people who elected them, and the guy whose mission it was to speak for those people inside the Trump White House was Steve Bannon. It was Bannon’s self-chosen task to fight what he called “the Deep […]

PURGE? The Firing of Rich Higgins Is a Dangerous Omen at the White House

Rich Higgins is an experienced national-security specialist. For months, I’ve been deliberately ignoring the “White House chaos” stories about the Trump administration, which I discounted as (a) the usual shakedown-cruise stuff of a new team in office, (b) typical staff infighting, and (c) hyped-up scandal-bait produced by the anti-Trump Beltway media. However, I cannot ignore […]

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