The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

California: The Crazy State

  Junkies and crackheads get high on the streets of San Francisco, urinating and defecating in public, and the liberal Democrats who control the city seem to believe this situation is perfectly acceptable. Meanwhile, Southern California “finds itself in the midst of a homelessness emergency”: You cannot walk more than few blocks through [downtown San […]

You’re #WhyTrumpWon, Nancy Pelosi

  She’s a 76-year-old white woman whose father was the boss of the corrupt Democrat machine in Baltimore during the segregation era, and being married to a multimillionaire California real-estate investor, she’s one of the top 10 richest members of Congress. Democrats in Congress couldn’t have picked a more out-of-touch leader if they had tried. […]

War on Women: Democrats Ready to Throw Nancy Pelosi Under the Bus?

  The irony here is rather delicious: In the aftermath of Democrats’ demoralizing election defeat, Representative Nancy Pelosi’s bid to return as minority leader has been transformed into a larger debate about what has gone wrong with a party that eight years ago controlled Congress and the White House. Ms. Pelosi, a 76-year-old San Francisco […]

Bibi Speaks, Pelosi Weeps

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to a joint session of the U.S. Congress today, over the objections of Democrats who said . . . Well, what, exactly? The basis of their objection was something like, “The Republicans didn’t ask nice and Bibi’s just two weeks away from re-election.” And I’m like, “So?” It is […]

Shout Out To Princess Pelosi

by Smitty Poor Princess Pelosi; once so regal. Now another beagle. To the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot“: I’m a bitter clinger, hear me roar. Once I had power, For now, it’s no more. When I get all Beamed up, Hear me shout! Elections are over Soon they’ll throw me out. I’m a bitter […]

Think Of The U.S. As Walmart, And Nancy Pelosi As A Demented Greeter

by Smitty Botox Barbie puts a cosmetically crafted smile on matters: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi will travel to the southern border of the U.S. on Saturday to be briefed by Customs and Border Protection on the flood of unaccompanied minors entering the country. The California Democrat will also meet with a group of children […]

Princess Pelosi Gets Her MS14H On

by Smitty We’re talking full-on, industrial manure spreaders here, folks. She features: Easy chain access Hydraulic endgate Heavy-duty tires Piggy-back cylinders Crucially, what Princess Pelosi brings is a nearly Bagdad Bob level of intensity to her prevarication. To paraphrase Jean-Pierre McGarrigle “In an age of spin, Princess Pelosi offers feeling and authenticity. Her message is […]

ObamaCare: Death Panels for the DCCC

Democrat 2014 campaign slogan: "Now That We Totally Fucked Up Your Health Insurance, Give Us a Chance to Fuck Up Everything Else, Too." — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 14, 2013 Oh, what a difference a week can make! After the unfortunate result in the Virginia gubernatorial election, liberal pundits (and some Republicans) were declaring […]

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