The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


UPDATED 10:22 p.m. ET: Headline from John Nolte: MEDIA HAMMERS BIDEN: ‘STOP SMIRKING!’ ‘WEIRD,’ ‘JERK’ UPDATED 10:19 p.m. ET: A few more thoughts from Twitter: JOE BIDEN GETS ANGRY WHEN RADDATZ ASKS QUESTIONS; HIS TONE IS, ‘HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME?’ — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) October 12, 2012 AT END OF HIS LAST ANGRY […]

Benghazi Breakdown: Team Obama, Liberals Now in Full Freak-Out Mode

First, the headline: Mother of Slain State Dept. Official Tired of Being Lied To and Stonewalled by Obama Administration Next, the video, which got the AOSHQ Flaming Skull Alert: Now, we point out that Stephanie Cutter has doubled down on her outrageous claim that the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi is only the […]

Will Ryan Hold Biden Accountable?

Michelle Malkin reminds us of something: Remember when President Obama bragged about Joe Biden’s fiscal discipline cred in 2009? “To you, he’s Mr. Vice President, but around the White House, we call him the Sheriff,” Obama warned government employees. “Because if you’re misusing taxpayer money, you’ll have to answer to him.” Fast-forward to 2012. Call […]

VIDEO: Paul Ryan Says Joe Biden Is ‘Making Up All New Falsehoods’

Ryan was campaigning again in Columbus, Ohio, today: “Just down in Florida yesterday, Vice President Biden was making up all new falsehoods about Social Security and taxes. They’re trying to scare people for political gain. That’s unfortunately the kind of campaign that we’re seeing, as I said, from a President without a record to run […]

When the Truth Goes Viral

‘Occupy the Truth’ rally in Cleveland, Ohio, Aug. 18, 2012 Photo by Pat Dooley (Hat-tip: Instapundit) Iowahawk’s observation — “Paul Ryan represents Obama’s most horrifying nightmare: math” — is well on its way to becoming world famous, and may yet become the final epitaph on Obama’s presidency. As I remarked Thursday: If voters can be made to […]

The Immortal Brilliance Of Joe Biden

by Smitty Uncle Choo-Choo Forever! BFD (Biden’s Finest Deliveries) must go no! via Ace of Spades HQ

I’ll Bet Hinderaker His Beverage Of Choice That Biden Is Out

by Smitty Power Line: Is there any chance that President Obama will dump Biden from the ticket, as some are urging? I don’t think so. The Obama campaign, more than anything else, is feverishly trying to preserve the illusion that everything is going fine. Replacing Biden would be seen as an act of desperation and–even […]

#GuessBidensNextGaffe : Claims His Administration ‘Was Really Just A Gerald Ford Impression’

by Smitty Pressured on the fact that he was actually Vice President under someone named Barack Obama, Biden waxes surly: “So what if I was one heartbeat, a few brain cells, and a lot less plagiarism away. I felt Presidential!” #GuessBidensNextGaffe “Think of abortion as a special kind of hunting license.” — Chris Smith (@smitty_one_each) […]

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