The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Under the New Pope’s Teaching, Should Pelosi and Biden Be Ex-Communicated?

Before he became Pope Francis, the Argentine cardinal’s doctrine would have excluded Vice President Joe Biden and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi from Communion. Father Shenan J. Boquet president of Human Life International explains: While we cannot know what is truly in someone’s heart, all too often political or other high-profile figures who profess to […]

When Your Gun Is Not Your Gun

Your firearms are your private property and you have the right to sell your private property, right? Well, not if Joe Biden gets his way: “[T]here is a surprising — so far — a surprising recurrence of suggestions that we have universal background checks. Not just close the gun show loophole but total, universal background checks, including […]

Joe Biden: Obama’s Albatross

Vulgar comments to the father of a Navy SEAL killed in Benghazi? Yeah, that’s just a start. How about Joe, the Omen of Economic Doom? Vice President Joe Biden is campaigning in Oshkosh on Friday, a day after one of the largest area employers announced 450 layoffs — the result of expected cuts to the […]

Wasn’t Joe Biden The First ‘Bold, Forceful Decision’ For Obama?

by Smitty Per the Blaze: Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, called into “The Glenn Beck Program” on TheBlazeTV Thursday and recounted his interactions with the president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Biden at the ceremony for the Libya victims at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. He told host Glenn Beck that what […]

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden Campaigns in Ohio, Apparently Thinks He’s in Iowa

All these darned Midwestern states look alike! During a campaign stop in Ohio on Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden forgot where he was. Again. “I mean literally,” Biden said (probably meaning “figuratively”), “ladies and gentlemen, this is a guy [Mitt Romney] who’s running all the ads here in Iowa saying that he’s going to get […]

Say Hello to ‘Honest Joe’

Doug Powers highlights this new ad from the Republican Party: Headline from Mytheos Holt at The Blaze: EVEN MARTHA RADDATZ THINKS JOE BIDEN’S PERFORMANCE WAS ‘TOO BIG’

Does This Explain Something?
UPDATE: What a Cover-Up Looks Like

Why is Obama still leading Mitt Romney in Ohio, but trailing in Florida? This puzzle might be explained by the early blitz of attack ads the Obama campaign laid down against Romney in Ohio back in May and June, which created a sort of “opinion deficit” that Romney has had to try to make up during the […]

VIDEO: Somebody’s Serious About Fiscal Discipline (Hint: It’s Not Joe Biden)

The Romney-Ryan campaign’s latest ad: “We can’t keep spending and borrowing like this. We can’t just keep spending money we don’t have. . . . Did they come in and inherit a tough situation? Absolutely. But we’re going in the wrong direction! Look at where we are. The economy is barely limping along. . . […]

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