The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The #Pluggernaut Must Run

by Smitty (Picture source) [View the story “Biden” on Storify] Then we got into a discussion of appropriate music for the campaign. @smitty_one_each Joe Biden's campaign theme song right here — Troy Ellison (@blayne_troy) March 6, 2015 @blayne_troy @smitty_one_each More like this: — Joan of Argghh! (@JoanOfArgghh) March 6, 2015 @JoanOfArgghh @smitty_one_each I […]

Server, Serve Her: Clinton Crumbling

EmailGate is reminding Americans of the scandalous Clintonian habit of deception and corruption. Ed Morrissey scoffs: Hillary Clinton violated the Federal Records Act for four years, hid all of her e-mails as Secretary of State for nearly six years, and only began giving some of those communications to State a couple of months ago. Now that the […]

Joe Biden E-Mails Me

If you ever get signed up for one Democrat/liberal e-mail list, you will eventually be signed up for all Democrat/liberal e-mail lists. While covering the 2008 election, I signed up for e-mail alerts from the Obama campaign and my inbox is routinely flooded with crap. However, it’s useful to see what kind of desperate appeals […]

The Iraq Disaster

Four years ago, Vice President Joe Biden claimed that Obama’s Iraq policy would be “one of the greatest achievements” of his administration. If by “greatest achievements,” you mean anarchy as Iraq is overrun by al-Qaeda terrorists, I guess Biden was right: The likely breakup of Iraq into feuding ethnic and sectarian bastions accelerated Friday as […]

VIDEO: NSC Meeting On Ukraine; BHO & Biden Have A Wee Jog

by Sissypuss the Blog Kitty Full statement from WH official — Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) March 1, 2014 Obama did not attend the meeting, but WH official says he has been briefed by Susan Rice and his national security team. — Zeke Miller (@ZekeJMiller) March 1, 2014 When done with the fun run, Sissypuss heard, […]

E-Mail From America’s Vice President

If you ever sign up for any Democrat mailing list, you will eventually be on all Democrat mailing lists, and receive e-mails like this: Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 08:14:15 -0400 To: Robert McCain <> From: Joe Biden <> Robert — If you’ve been watching what’s been happening here in Washington over the past couple […]

Joe Biden Invents Phony Gun Statistics — Because SHUT UP HATERS, That’s Why!

Stephen Gutowski describes the goofball’s latest anti-gun idiocy: By combining, apparently in his head and on the fly, the demonstrably inaccurate “80,000 plus people a year” with the debunked claim that 40% of gun sales in America don’t require a background check, Mr. Biden reaches the completely unverifiable claim that “between 30,000 and 50,000 who […]

‘Billions and Billions and Billions’: Biden Has No Comment on Fisker Failure

“This is seed money that will return back to the American consumer in billions and billions and billions of dollars of good new jobs.” — Joe Biden, Oct. 27, 2009 “With the help of UAW lobbying efforts for advanced vehicle manufacturing and federal dollars, the plant will become a production facility for Fisker Automotive, a […]

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