The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VA-8 Gets More Interesting This Friday

by Smitty From a 16Sep AP story, emphasis mine: Paul Magliocchetti pleaded not guilty to an 11-count indictment felony indictment on Aug. 20. He is charged with paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in illegal donations to scores of campaigns dating back to 2003 to enrich himself and increase his firm’s influence with public officials. […]

Labor Day Is Over . . .

. . . marking the official end of “Recovery Summer”: (Hat-tip: Ed Driscoll.) Meanwhile, there’s good news and bad news: The good news is, the media have identified three endangered Democrat incumbents in Virginia. The bad news: Jim Moran isn’t one of them. Don’t be dismayed, however. Smitty keeps pounding hard for Patrick Murray, whose […]

VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: VA AG Ken Cuccinelli In Alexandria

by Smitty Monday, 26 July 2010, I had the privilege of attending a fund raiser for Patrick Murray, in the crucial effort to retire Gentleman Jim Moran. While the traffic situation on parking lot I-95 kept him from delivering the detailed update on the ObamaCare case he’s championing down at the Rocket Docket, the good […]

Steady Development In The Virginia Lawsuit To Declare ObamaCare
Both An Exercise In Foolishness And Un-Constitutional, But Mostly Un-Constitutional

by Smitty (h/t Bill Dupray @ Liberty Pundits Bill Dupray introduces the jurisprudence upon which much could hinge: Judge Henry Hudson, a Bush appointee and former U.S. Attorney in the high-profile ‘Rocket Docket’ in the Eastern District of Virginia is a very solid judge. Many Virginia lawyers, including your[s] truly and Doug Mataconis, practiced before […]

Gentleman Jim Moran Proves Himself A Cosmic Winner On Hardball

by Smitty (h/t just a conservative girl) While I was in Manassas at the Celebrate the Constitution rally, I ran into some people complaining about what a tool Gerry Connolly is. I countered that I’m in VA-8, and, with the exception of Speaker Pelosi and maybe Steny Hoyer, nobody out-tools my tool. Judicial Watch added […]

My Congresstool Shames Me

by Smitty From In October 2008, during a debate with 2008 GOP candidate Mark Ellmore at an Indian-American forum, Jim Moran “freaked out” at the notion that both parties are to blame for the Wall Street mess that contributed to the recession and caused the bailouts. A lady at the forum asked Moran, “Wouldn’t […]

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