The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Jim Moran Knees All Service Members In The Groin. A Hidden Message, Though?

by Smitty notes the obvious cheap shot at the military in this two-week old clip: What [Republicans] do is that they find candidates – usually stealth candidates – that haven’t been in office, haven’t served or performed any kind of public service. My opponent is typical. The obvious slam here is the attack on […]

Staff: The Tea Party Express Bus Tour Is Veering North Of Us This Time
Patrick Murray: Then We Do Our Own

by Smitty The Tea Party Express is rolling through some of the bluest Congressional districts on its fourth trek leading up to the election. What a great job they’ve done the last couple of years, keeping the Tea Party spirit alive. They can’t make it everywhere, though, and let’s face it: Beltway traffic around DC […]

Jim Moran Is A Global Warming Tool. An ObamaCare Tool. Achieve A Tool-fecta On GZM? Why, Yes; Yes, He Can.

by Smitty St. Albert of Gore himself praised Jim for Moran’s ‘leadership’ on wrecking the economy in the name of Green interests. And I heard Moran bloviate in person about Nancy Pelosi’s colostomy bag of tricks, or, ObamaCare, as it is commonly despised. Is there any doubt but that Jim Moran wouldn’t bend over backwards […]

An Email To My Congresstool, Jim Moran

by Smitty Less the HTML, he’ll have this in his inbox for tomorrow. Are you supporting a financially disadvantaged race? Feel free to adapt this idea: Dear Congressman Moran, It’s a matter of public record that you’re a spread the wealth kind of guy: It’s also a matter of FEC record that you’re in great […]

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran: A Machine Tool Among Party Tools

by Smitty That’s not motor oil you smell, it’s Eau de Moran, the perfect cologne for the high-RPM party tool: Just so the rest of the country knows, I’ll be phone banking again tonight, as well as whatever is going on this weekend, to support Patrick Murray against this guy. Why? Because I love the […]

Can’t Score With The VFW? If You’re Jim Moran, There’s MOAA. Or Not.

by Smitty Do we need to call in Mr. Wolf, The Cleaner, from over at BlackFive? Hardly. We’re only talking about “Gentleman” Jim Moran here. As, according to Wikipedia, Moran was beavering away in school during Vietnam, we couldn’t expect him to shoot for a VFW endorsement. The Military Officers Association of America, MOAA, on […]

Offshore Drilling: Another Reason Jim Moran Needs To Find New Work

by Smitty Via Shelly’s List, the comPost quotes my Congresstool: Rep. James P. Moran Jr. (D-Va.), who chairs the House Appropriations Committee’s interior and environment subcommittee, said that if Democrats retain control of the House in the midterm elections, he will press for a moratorium on drilling in the mid-Atlantic and off Alaska. “The gulf […]

Guess Who Flew Into The Area For A Bit Of Campaigning Last Weekend?

by Smitty I’m not saying that “Gentleman” Jim Moran is, you know, incontinent at the thought of having a non-Ruling Class American tell him to stand and deliver for his two decades of largesse, but look what happened. Jim Moran had to summon the infamous Anthropogenic Global Warming Climate Change Disruption fraudster, Nobel medalist, Academy […]

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