The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

BREAKING: Rumored Secret U.S. Weapon Causes Taliban Surrender

Shocking news from Afghanistan: KABUL — Thousands of Taliban fighters have surrendered to Allied forces after rumors spread among the militants in Afghanistan that the United States was prepared to deploy a devastating new secret weapon, NATO commanders said Saturday. As frightened former members of the Afghan insurgency streamed into Allied encampments, tearfully pleading to […]

On Supporting Long-Shot Candidates

by Smitty I’ve not the slightest misgiving about supporting my local candidate, Col. Patrick Murray (USA-Ret), against Jim Moran, who enjoyed one of the more comfortable margins yesterday evening. Murray is an exemplary American. One might say otherwise of Jim Moran. If you’re not in the game, your loss is self-fulfilling. It was genuinely fun. […]

[BUMPED, VIDEO]: Supporting Patrick Murray At Pat Troy’s

by Smitty It’s rough, being a blogger, forced to hang out in classic establishments like Pat Troy’s. I want you to know, readers, that it’s all for America, for you, and the candidate; any incidental pleasures enjoyed in this establishment are taken strictly ‘for the cause’. Mrs. The Other Smitty and I are here, platonically […]

VA8: Col. Patrick Murray On Fox

by Smitty (via Retire Jim Moran) It is excellent to see Murray both on Fox and Friends. . .: and also Fox Business. If you have time, go for this second clip, where the discussion moves past Moran’s condescending dismissal of military service members to discussion of needed policy reforms, for example, term limits. How […]

Diverging From Allahpundit On The Military Record Question

by Smitty Allahpundit reviews the new Joe Miller ad: and poses the question How about some ads instead touting his military service and highlighting the sleazy performance of She Who Shall Not Be Named at the last debate? Or is that what he’s bringing Palin in for — to emphasize his service credentials as a […]

VIDEO: Front Page, Featuring Steven Malanga, Required Viewing For All, Esp. Those Who Can Vote Against Jim Moran

by Smitty Click the image of Allen Barton to view: Steven Malanga, of City Journal, and author of Shakedown, talks to Allen Barton about how the left has seized power in Washington, D.C. Incumbents and public service unions have gamed the system and are upending prosperity in America. Does government now exist simply to serve […]

NBC4: Subtle Anti-Murray, Pro-Moran Slant

by Smitty This News-4 story from 25 October looks fairly balanced: For reference, here is the contentious clip: Now, let’s fisk NBC-4: Time Comment 0:08 “…claims Moran said…” No, actually, Moran did say that about military service: “What [Republicans] do is that they find candidates – usually stealth candidates – that haven’t been in office, […]

Murray Campaign HQ Is Rocking Tonight

by Smitty The effort to liberate VA-8 from “Gentleman” Jim Moran’s reign of error continues apace. The candidate is fresh off of a news conference to answer the mail on the 06 October offensive remarks Moran made. Murray momentum grows. The bus is stocked and fueled. It will be cruising the district, spreading the word […]

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