The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Going-In Position: The Opposite Of Jim Moran’s Ideas Are Good Ones

by Smitty (via Lee Hernly) VA-8’s Clown Prince of Goofballs, “Gentleman” Jim Moran, can be relied upon to touch his forehead to the deck whenever required for the President: Rep. Jim Moran sounded a similar warning Friday. The Virginia Democrat said the McConnell proposal “is not about what’s in the best interest of the country” […]

Jim Moran: Clownish Buffoon, Or Buffoonish Clown?

by Smitty (hat tip: BlogProf) Ol’ “Gentleman” Jim Moran just does Northern Virginia Proud: I suppose that, if you hold a condescending, equestrian viewpoint, and taxpayers are a flock of sheep to be shorn in support of your Vision of Progress, then Moran’s viewpoint may seem sensible. Moran’s point seems to be that if you’ve […]

Which Ignorance Probably Explains Jim Moran’s Reelections

by Smitty (h/t Lucianne) It’s time for another episode in my serial apology to the rest of the country for my Congresstool, Jim Moran. Fresh, in the manner of something dropped in a field by a bull, from his 10′ Fairy Sculpture triumph, we have a new museum on offer from “Gentleman” Jim (emphasis mine): […]

Kaine Down By 13 To Allen. It Is Time.
Cry ‘Havoc!’ And Let Slip Jim Moran.

by Smitty Roanoke College delivers some unhelpful news for Kaine. swacgirl notes: Kaine did Virginians no favor as governor, and he has been closely associated with Democratic President Barack Obama’s liberal overreaching government policies including ObamaCare, something he claims to be proud of. In Virginia? What to do? For the Democrats, there is only one […]

The 10′ Fairy Sculpture At The Mark Center: A Jim Moran Symbol?

by Smitty (via Memorandum) It all began as a sadly typical Military-Industrial Complex boondoggle back in the salad days of September ’08 (emphasis mine).

Pardon Me While I Wallow In Schadenfreude About The VA Dems

by Smitty Via Retire Jim Moran, we have The Virginia Democrat with a delightful lunchtime diversion for you, emphasis mine: The Virginia Democratic Party has been “leaderless” for almost two years. We’ve had hit rock bottom. Let’s talk about some of the things that need to be fixed for me to come back into the […]

Best VA Political Week Of The Year

by Smitty I know CPAC is at full roar, while I sit out in the cold, where I can catch enough bandwidth for a post. What a week in VA news. Cuccinelli tilting the SCOTUS windmill-style for the ObamaCare case. VMI looking really creepy over Islam. And then ol’ “Born Fightin’” Webb decides that fighting […]

Jim Moran: ‘Raaaaacism!’

Smitty’s in Kabul, so it’s my job to keep you informed of the embarrassing shenanigans of his congresstool: Speaking to Arab television network Alhurra, Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) said Republicans made big gains in November in part because “a lot of people in this country … don’t want to be governed by an African-American.” Even […]

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