The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#OccupyResoluteDesk, #OccupySCOTUS?

by Smitty Shall not eight years of the personal pronoun pumping pipsqueak have been enough? The price of Her Majesty’s election, despite being the least suitable person since Barack Obama, may become apparent: While at a rally in Decorah, Iowa, on Tuesday, a reporter asked Clinton what she thought about nominating President Obama to the […]

Democrats Against Justice

The Democrat Party is a criminal protection racket: If you are a Democrat, the safest place in the world to be is under the authority of other Democrats. Lois Lerner, the criminal who used the Internal Revenue Service as a political weapon on behalf of the Democratic party, was never going to be charged, or […]

Will Cruz Cruise or Get Trumped?

  The battle for Iowa seems to be coming down to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump. Of course, there are likely to be five candidates still in the race after the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses, but the debate Thursday highlighted the clash between Cruz and Trump: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz clashed Thursday […]

Real Feminists Support Bernie Sanders

  One of the things I notice while searching feminist Tumblr accounts is the high level of support for Bernie Sanders. This wouldn’t seem to make sense — shouldn’t feminists support Hillary Clinton? But feminism is a left-wing movement and Sanders is an unapologetic socialist, plus Hillary Clinton has a history of defending “rape culture”: […]

This Blog Gives Her Majesty 90 Days In Office #HillaryClintonHealthConspiracies

by Smitty Via Instapundit and Don Surber: Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, thinks Her Majesty is hiding a serious health concern, but is setting up Donald Trump. Let me lay out a few thoughts. Her Majesty and BHO are bound by Benghazi, though 13 Hours might change that situation. BHO is concerned about his “legacy” […]

What Went Through The Moderator’s Mind At The #DemDebate

by Smitty @instapundit Panic at the media disco. — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) December 20, 2015

Stand By For A Trump Mulligan

by Smitty The “deal” Trump is likely referring to is his agreement in September to sign a pledge not to run as an independent. He said at the time he was given the “assurance that I would be treated fairly” by RNC chairman Reince Priebus in return for signing the pledge. The Wall Street Journal […]

Taiwanese Animators Own Her Majesty

by Smitty This one just keeps getting better. Bravo zulu, ye mighty animators!

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