The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Does CNN Hate Police?

  CNN’s role in creating the Black Lives Matter movement cannot be ignored. Back in 2012, it was CNN that turned the Trayvon Martin case into such a national media carnival, and after George Zimmerman was acquitted, the network went scouting around for other “social justice” sagas to exploit for ratings. This led eventually to […]

Bill Clinton Met With Anti-Police Hate Group Leader Two Months Ago

Bill Clinton and Mauricelm-Lei Millere in May. During a campaign visit to Kentucky this year former President Bill Clinton met with the leader of a racial hate group that has been implicated in Thursday’s attack that killed five Dallas police officers. Mauricelm-Lei Millere is leader of the African American Defense League (AADL), which has repeatedly […]

Surrender Without a Fight?

“Americans traditionally love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle. . . . Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser. Americans play to win all the time. . . . Because the very thought of losing is hateful to Americans.” — Gen. George S. Patton, 1944 Today, there is […]

Did Her Majesty Drop Some Hormones In The Little Pajama Boy, Or What?

by Smitty Everyone’s getting their Twitter riffs on over this: #ManEnoughforJohnson — Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) May 26, 2016 Added my own little bit of doggerel in that AABCCB scheme that seems to work well: [View the story “Shout Out To #ClapChap” on Storify] I guess it’s all fun and games until Trump […]

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton Debate: Who Hates America More?

“Our elites are fixated on how disappointed they are with the tawdry public precisely because that allows them to avoid examining their own colossal failures.” — Ace of Spades, 2011 Ed Driscoll quoted Ace in the context of reminding us how much liberals hate America, or at least that part of America where white heterosexual […]

Democrat Armageddon

Top headlines at the Drudge Report, as of 6:30 a.m. ET today:   CORRUPTION: SHE HAS EQUAL DELEGATES AS SANDERS… JAY CARNEY: OBAMA WANTS HILLARY TO WIN… O ON DEFENSE: ‘I AM PROGRESSIVE’… HILLARY ALLIES INTENSIFY RACE ATTACKS… CBC leaders to endorse her — at the DNC! Sanders woos the black vote… Ta-Nehisi Coates Backs […]

N.H.: Hillary Will Lose, But What Difference, at This Point, Does It Make?

  Polls forecast a defeat for Clinton tonight: Donald Trump continues to lead the Republican race in New Hampshire on the eve of the vote, the final CNN/WMUR tracking poll finds. On the Democratic side of the race, it remains Bernie Sanders’ primary to lose, with the Vermont senator holding a 26-point lead over Hillary […]

Democrats, Feminists and Other Liars

  Let’s begin with something that should be obvious, but which has seldom been stated explicitly: There is no objective reason for the recent upsurge of radical feminism in the United States. However bad sexism is today, it is not worse than it was five years ago or 10 years ago. In fact, there is […]

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