The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Objective Truth of @fmanjoo and the New York Times’ Partisan Bias

What is the truth about Hillary Clinton’s health and why should Americans trust the media to tell us the truth? This was a question raised last month by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in an interview on Fox News Sunday with host Shannon Bream: “She has an entire media empire that…fails to point […]

Hillary and the Clinton News Network

The great thing about having the media as part of your campaign team is that they willingly lend credibility to your most implausible excuses: Hillary Clinton said Monday night she’s “met a high standard of transparency” about her health and didn’t think the pneumonia was “going to be that big a deal.” Clinton said she felt […]

How Sick Is Hillary?

The Democrat nominee’s health has become a legitimate issue in the presidential campaign. Her coughing fit at a Labor Day rally in Cleveland was at first dismissed as a random incident, but after she appeared to collapse Sunday after a 9-11 remembrance in New York, the Clinton campaign admitted the former Secretary of State has […]

Greetings, My Fellow ‘Deplorables’!

  Speaking at an “LGBT for Hillary” gala in New York where the headliner was Barbra Streisand and the guests included millionaire entertainment industry moguls Barry Diller and Harvey Weinstein, Hillary Clinton made it clear she hates me, and she hates you, too: The Democratic presidential nominee sparked an uproar late Friday when she described Trump’s […]

How Does Hillary Plan to Defeat ISIS Without Using U.S. Combat Troops?

  During a “Commander-in-Chief” forum Wednesday with Matt Lauer, Hillary Clinton claimed U.S. troops won’t be needed to defeat ISIS: “We are not putting ground troops into Iraq ever again and we are not putting ground troops into Syria,” the Democratic presidential nominee, who has consistently said she does not want to put ground troops […]

Polls Show Hillary Slipping: Is It Because Black People Don’t Like Her Very Much?

  In recent days, Hillary Clinton’s poll lead over Donald Trump has begun shrinking again. In two recent polls — by Investors Business Daily and Reuters — Hillary led by just one point, and in the latest L.A. Times poll, Trump is actually leading by 2 points, 45%-43%. The trend in the Real Clear Polls […]

Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is Corrupt

  Today’s headlines via Memeorandum: Emails Raise New Questions About Clinton Foundation Ties to State Dept. — Eric Lichtblau, New York Times NYT: State gave Foundation donor access to Hillary in exchange for a private jet ride for Bill — Ed Morrissey, Hot Air Top Hillary Clinton Aide Accepted Request From Foundation Official for Diplomatic […]

Yes, Hillary Is the Devil

  Donald Trump talking about Bernie Sanders endorsing Hillary Clinton: “If he would have just not done anything, go home, go to sleep, relax, he would have been a hero. She’s the devil. He made a deal with the devil.” (Via Memeorandum.)  

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