The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hillary’s Delusional Reading of Classics

  Everyone is stunned by the self-deceptions and blame-shifting in Hillary Clinton’s campaign memoir What Happened, and Ace of Spades aggregates several of the most mind-blowing excerpts. Most notably, as British socialist writer James Heartfield observes, Hillary claims that George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four is about the importance of trusting “our leaders, the press, experts” — […]

How Bad Was the Hillary Campaign?

  Matt Taibbi is certainly not my favorite political journalist, and Rolling Stone was permanently disgraced by the UVA hoax, but nevertheless Taibbi’s brief review of the new Clinton campaign book, Shattered by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes, is very worthwhile reading. After recounting the comedic failure of Clinton insiders to figure out their campaign’s […]

The Kaiser and the Clintonistas

  “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” George Santayana remarked, and young people today know so little about the past that they are well and truly doomed. The teaching of history has been replaced by indoctrination for progressive activism, as Jane Shaw has recently explained, which means that the more […]

The Pervert Party: Anthony Weiner Could Get 15 Years in Prison for Child Porn

  In July 2013, after former Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner was caught “sexting” for the second time, I wrote a column for The American Spectator with a deliberately provocative title: “The Pervert Party”: Perhaps now someone at the New York Times or the Washington Post will ask Patrick Frey what happens to bloggers who call […]

The #WomensMarch: Why Trump Won

        Does that look like a mainstream political movement to you? Ugly women holding up ugly signs expressing ugly sentiments — the #WomensMarch to protest Donald Trump’s presidency is perhaps the clearest explanation of why Donald Trump is president. The all-out feminist crusade mounted on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign reminded […]

Video Shows Democrat Hate Crime in Chicago: ‘F–k Trump! F–k White People!’

  Four young supporters of Barack Obama wanted to show the world what the Democrat Party stands for, so they kidnapped a mentally disabled young white man, bound and gagged him, and tortured him in a West Side Chicago apartment, livestreaming video of their hate crime on Facebook. Police say they have arrested four 18-year-old […]

Hillary Is Madonna or Something

Everybody wants to play pundit nowadays. The New York Times unleashed its arts writers on the most over-analyzed election in history: “I was called a whore and a witch,” Madonna said on Friday in a searing speech about the sexism and bullying that women face in the music industry and the culture at large. “Such […]

War on Women: Democrats Ready to Throw Nancy Pelosi Under the Bus?

  The irony here is rather delicious: In the aftermath of Democrats’ demoralizing election defeat, Representative Nancy Pelosi’s bid to return as minority leader has been transformed into a larger debate about what has gone wrong with a party that eight years ago controlled Congress and the White House. Ms. Pelosi, a 76-year-old San Francisco […]

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