The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Corpse Of Trayvon Martin Has Lost Propaganda Value; Fortunately, Sandra Fluke Still Has A Pulse

by Smitty One nearly can empathize with the poor Lefties, seeing that the Trayvon Martin tragedy is moving from simple tragedy to propaganda farce. In the (gang)green spirit of recycling, then, we have Hillary telling Andrea Mitchell; Today, Hillary Clinton told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell in a pre-taped interview that Rush Limbaugh’s comments about Sandra Fluke […]

Hillary Clinton ‘… Reject Efforts To Marginalize Any One Of Us*’

by Smitty *You have to understand that ‘us’ does not include Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, any other conservative women, and especially not females that have not completed gestation. May God Almighty give you a soul and then shed mercy on it, Hillary Clinton. Related: the failed “War on Women”. via Breitbart

Hillary Offers TMI On Internals

by Smitty Paraphrasing, Hillary was on record the other day saying to a Tunisian audience: “Pay the GOP no mind, they’re off their meds.” Today, via The Blaze, she doubled down: “Probably my enthusiasm for the president got a little out of hand,” Clinton said, adding that she only wants what’s best for the country. […]

Rick Santorum Hears Hillary Clinton’s Caution About GOP Campaign Rhetoric, Delivers Cupcake And Pony Speech

by Smitty Speaking to Tunisians, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, in summary “Pay no mind to those zany Republicans; they’re just talking election-year smack.” Via Alan Colmes, via Tampa Bay Online: U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton advised an audience in Tunisia on Saturday to “not pay attention” to the comments made by […]

Hillary Clinton Ejecting From State?

by Smitty The Puffington Host reports: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton says she wants to step off the “high wire of American politics” after two decades and is again tamping down speculation that she might stay in government if President Barack Obama wins a second term. Clinton told State Department employees on Thursday that […]

This ‘Draft Hillary’ Thing Had Me Going Until The Third Paragraph

by Smitty Politico: We argued in a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed piece that President Barack Obama should stand down and let Secretary of State Hillary Clinton run as the Democratic presidential nominee in 2012. We are now calling on Democratic voters nationally — particularly in New Hampshire — to organize a write-in campaign for […]

Impeachy-Keen Times For BHO’s Admin.?

by Smitty The DC Caller: Wisconsin Republican Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, a former chairman of the House Judiciary Committee where Attorney General Eric Holder testified on Thursday, suggested that impeachment of administration officials involved with Operation Fast and Furious may be the only way to bring the scandal to a close. In a heated exchange between […]

UPDATE: This Post Was A Mis-Read
@VodkaPundit Insults Virginia

by Smitty UPDATE: Upon a closer reading, I see that Green really only pointed to VA going to Obama in the update, in a wild contingency meant to show what BHO would have to do to have a glimmer of a chance. Accusation retracted, switching to decaf. In Wargaming the Electoral College, Stephen Green has […]

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