The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The ‘How Dare You’ Defense on Benghazi

Pocan (D-WI) says “there’s no smoking gun… from this.” line seeks to minimize the testimony near end of the… — Arthur Kimes (@ComradeArthur) May 8, 2013 Associated Press: Let’s Quote Democrats Dismissing the Testimony Before We Quote the Witness… | @vjmfilms — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) May 9, 2013 “This has been a […]

Remember Nakoula?

by Smitty @reaganitegoper “Brave, brave Ms. Hillary,Standing bravely at the helm,Spared us from dire Nakoula, The shooter of crappy film.”#TCOT — Smitty TheWackoBird (@smitty_one_each) May 8, 2013

Obama Administration’s Benghazi Lies Exposed as State Department Cover-Up

Flaming skull alert at Ace of Spades for the release of e-mails confirming that (a) officials knew from the outset that the attack on the consulate in Libya was the work of terrorists, but (b) this information was suppressed for political purposes: State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland, worried that members of Congress would use the […]

Short Answer: ‘No’

Jonathan Martin of Politico floats a question: “Dems 2016: Will Hillary Clinton clear the field?” And the answer is, “no.” Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley is almost 100 percent certain to run and is already assembling his 2016 presidential campaign. Republicans should not make the mistake, as many did in the lead-up to 2008, of basing their […]

Liberals Outraged Like It Was a Bad Thing for Hillary to Have Sex With Animals

Why so judgmental, Mother Jones? [A] promotional video produced last year under the supervision of Adam Brandon, executive vice president of [FreedomWorks] and a [Matt] Kibbe loyalist. The video included a scene in which a female intern wearing a panda suit simulates performing oral sex on Hillary Clinton. . . . A former FreedomWorks official […]

“What Difference, At This Point, Does [A SuperPAC] Make?”

by Smitty Fans of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have launched a super PAC on her behalf as speculation continues to swirl about her 2016 ambitions. “Ready for Hillary” on Friday filed with the Federal Election Commission, following on the heels of another group called “HILLARYCLINTONSUPERPAC.” Hillary is sooo (not) not running. via preciseBlogs

Let’s Give Hillary A LeBon

by Smitty The Washington Examiner has some head ‘sploding details: A new petition on calls on the [Nobel] committee to present the prize to Hillary for her work around the world for President Obama and Bill Clinton for his post-presidential international involvement. “President and Mrs. Clinton have had a lasting impact upon promoting peace […]

Let The 2016 Campaign Begin, With A Show Of ‘Support’ For Hillary

by Smitty The mighty Looking Spoon thinks that Hillary could be a stand-in for Omar Saeed al Sahaf: To paraphrase Jean-Pierre McGarrigle: “In an age of spin, Clinton offers feeling and authenticity. Her message is consistent–unshakeable, in fact, no matter the evidence–but she commands daily attention by her on-the-spot, invective-rich variations on the theme. Her lunatic […]

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