The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Can the #Benghazi Spinners Win?

If you’re going to win a spin war, you’re going to need some better answers than “I don’t know.” Lanny Davis, who spent years spinning for the Clinton administration, certainly knows this. I remember Davis’s role in helping shape the administration’s media message on the Lewinsky scandal, and so when Davis was brought in to […]

Vote Sodom/Gomorrah 2016!

by Smitty You can despise Greenwald all you like, but I have the puke-coming-out-my-nose feeling he’s spot-on here: How do you feel about the early presidential jockeying? Hillary is banal, corrupted, drained of vibrancy and passion. I mean, she’s been around forever, the Clinton circle. She’s a f_____ hawk and like a neocon, practically. She’s […]

Under All That Spin & Whitewash, I Guess That Tammy Bruce Isn’t A Hillary! Fan

by Smitty Absolutely brutal assessment of Hillary!, brought on by the Monica Lewinsky resurgence: …I, too, want a woman in the White House. But not just any woman. I want a president who loves this country more than herself. I want a president who genuinely views the American people as valuable, important and worthy of […]

Theory 2a: #Benghazi-Bimbo Connection

by Smitty Referring to Ann Althouse’s post on the Zombie Bimbo Revival, of course the answer is Hillary. Vanity Fair also stands to gain from the notoriety, and those two own 70% of the poll. However, Monica’s story is the kind of thing that has probably been in the can for a while, waiting for […]

A Twitter-Length Play For Your Attention

by Smitty Hillary: The good news is, if I win in 2016, you get a job. Monica: There is always a catch. H: Ambassador to Libya? — KnownDomesticTaroist (@smitty_one_each) May 7, 2014  

Benghazi: A Hole in the Tick-Tock

Tick-tock: Journalism jargon for a story that recounts events in chronological order, as if accompanied by the soundtrack of a ticking clock. Last summer, at the request of American Spectator editor R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., I spent several days trying to get the White House Press Office to answer a simple question: The President of […]

Hollywood Pedophilia Scandal: Did Democrats Know About Gay Donors?

After Thursday’s report about director Bryan Singer, I got an e-mail tip from a reader that led to this American Spectator article: Allegations that a film director raped a teenage boy could impact fundraising for Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, whose close ties to Hollywood’s gay community are potentially implicated in the scandal. Bryan Singer, the […]

Kook Nation: Crazy Lady Who Threw Shoe at Hillary Clinton Is Crazy

The wackos are everywhere nowadays: Before a wig-wearing nutjob threw a shoe at Hillary Clinton, the footwear flinger gave her heart to accused Colorado mass killer James Holmes. Alison Ernst, 36, of Phoenix, was identified Friday as the sneaker-tossing kook who targeted the former First Lady one day earlier during a speech at a Las […]

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