The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Is Hillary Brain-Damaged?

During the past several months, there have been questions about Hillary Clinton’s health and some speculation she might have had a mild stroke. This speculation comes to mind as I read Jonathan V. Last’s account of Hillary’s bad week: By just about every account, her book is uninteresting and unreflective, a carefully contrived piece of […]

Hard Choices Is Sort Of The Literary Equivalent Of Healthcare.Gov, Then

by Smitty Pardon me while I munch on the schadenstrudel: According to this source, a Simon & Schuster insider, “They sold 60,000 hard covers first week and 24,000 ebooks.” The publishing house was “hoping and praying for 150,000 print first week.” “The 60k represents a less than 10% sell thru based on what they shipped,” […]

Liberals in Line to Buy Hillary’s New Book Can’t Name Her Accomplishments

Video from Viral Read:  

Judas Priest Shout-Out To Princess Chelsea Clinton

by Smitty E! reports: The expectant 34-year-old stepped out wearing leather leggings and sky-high Christian Louboutin heels during an appearance at the 2014 Wildlife Conservation Society Gala at the Central Park Zoo in New York City last night. We’ll let Dustbury review the footwear, but how about the trou?As Obama’s fundamental transformation of our country […]

If Hillary Can’t Even Handle NPR …

. . . how could she deal with genuinely critical media? Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton got into a testy exchange with NPR’s Terry Gross on Thursday, as Gross tried to get Clinton to explain her views on marriage equality over time. Gross attempted to get the former secretary of state to explain whether […]

Hillary Lied, Americans Died

“This has been a difficult week for the State Department and for our country. We’ve seen the heavy assault on our post in Benghazi that took the lives of those brave men. We’ve seen rage and violence directed at American embassies over an awful internet video that we had nothing do to with. It’s hard […]

Sweet Revenge: @SarahPalinUSA on the Media’s Hillary Double Standard

The ironic payback for Trig Trutherism: Now that liberals want to protect Hillary Clinton from scrutiny and criticism — especially questions about the 66-year-old former Secretary of State’s health — Sarah Palin is there to remind the media of how they treated her: Hey! Hillary’s brain is off-limits! Leave her health records alone! Democrats are […]

Fret Not: The Clinton/Warren 2016 Ticket Will Fix The VA Health Care Problem

by Smitty Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has long touted the VA system as the epitome of government-run healthcare. “Exhibit A for the advantages of government provision [of healthcare] is the veterans administration, which runs its own hospitals and clinics, and provides some of the best-quality healthcare in America at […]

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