The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Police Charge Ohio Democrat With Faking His Own Kidnapping

Some media are calling Adam Hoover a “gay rights activist,” which is really just a clever way of saying “Ohio Democrat”: A suburban Cincinnati gay rights activist was charged with a misdemeanor early Tuesday after police say he falsely claimed online that he was kidnapped and thrown in the trunk of his car, NBC affiliate […]

That Carlin Bit About ‘Just Cleaning His Gun When It Suddenly Went Off. . .’

by Smitty Americans need to understand that, far from breaking any of our laws, Her Majesty is simply a law unto herself. How kowtow now, brown cow? — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) March 4, 2015 Emphasis mine: Hillary Clinton’s exclusive use of a personal email account to conduct official business as secretary of State caused seems to […]

Answer: Her Majesty Hath Decreed Him ‘Jebalicious’ To Her Chamber Pot Media

by Smitty Question: Why does the MSM so love Jeb Bush? . . .newspapers failed to see the big picture: At a conference [CPAC] that brings together conservative leaders from around the country, Mr. Bush was soundly booed and heckled. A packed room booed his stance on immigration — he called for “a path to […]

Another Oppressed Victim of Heteronormative Patriarchy

Feminists must be grumbling this morning about the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign’s P.R. coup, a glowing feature story in People magazine about Chelsea’s enjoyment of motherhood: “I’m so happy being a mom” — and shares why she’s so passionate about talking, reading and singing to her baby, in an exclusive interview with PEOPLE and video featuring […]

The Externalization of Responsibility: Monica Lewinsky’s Personal Shame

Today’s headlines via Drudge: Monica Lewinsky: I was ‘in love’ with President Clinton — New York Post Monica Lewinsky: Drudge Ruined My Life — Truth Revolt This raises a subject long overdue for discussion. The Internet is merely a tool — a very powerful tool, but still just a tool. For Monica Lewinsky to depict […]

Another Community Organizer? We Need That Like Additional Cranial Ventilation

by Smitty The Washington Free Beacon continues to demonstrate what a properly functioning media could resemble: “The more I’ve seen of places like Yale Law School and the people who haunt them, the more convinced I am that we have the serious business and joy of much work ahead—if the commitment to a free and […]

Jay Cost, At Least, Agrees With Me

by Smitty Emphasis mine: What, then, is the best response for the GOP? It is simply this: The party must wrap itself unabashedly in the garb of reform. If Hillary Clinton offers herself as the wise and learned hand who will rely upon her decades of experience to guide the ship of state, Republicans have […]

Our Decadent Elite: Rich Liberals and the Progressive Politics of Daddy’s Money

“Turbulent, discontented men of quality, in proportion as they are puffed up with personal pride and arrogance, generally despise their own order. One of the first symptoms they discover of a selfish and mischievous ambition, is a profligate disregard of a dignity which they partake with others. To be attached to the subdivision, to love […]

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