The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Perhaps You’ve Forgotten …

Pam Grossman (@Phantasmaphile) “is an independent curator, writer, and teacher of magical practice and history” who “explores the role of magic in contemporary life.” And in a July 2013 Huffington Post column, Ms. Grossman wrote this: So several months ago, I proclaimed to my friends and readers that 2013 would be the Year of the […]

Fremdschämen On Behalf Of Lanny Davis

by Smitty What kind of bizarre photos of Lanny are the Clintons holding? Watching a grown man roll like a drunk in Her Majesty’s scandal vomit really leaves one needing some hygiene: Lanny your only hope for your Mistress is that people are as craven as you, or really, really stupid. Because nobody with half […]

55k Actual Pages. You’re [Redacted] Me

by Smitty Hillary actually send 55,000 (paper) pages of UNSEARCHABLE emails to the state dept. @AceofSpadesHQ — Arthur Kimes (@ComradeArthur) March 9, 2015 So, Her Majesty blows off common sense and any number of regulations to run her own email server while in office. Her Royal Bluff is called, and she’s all “I want […]

Issa: Her Majesty & #OccupyResoluteDesk Are Both Beyond Justice & They Know It

by Smitty Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) on Sunday suggested that Hillary Clinton could face criminal charges if she knowingly withholds emails from congressional investigators. Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Issa noted that “voluntary cooperation does not guarantee that it’s a crime not to deliver all” requested emails. Setting up your own security is […]

Her Majesty’s Petard Getting Kinda Hoist-y Over This EmailGate Scandal

by Smitty Hot Air and Rick Wilson need to talk to some security professionals (not that I’m claiming to be such) emphasis mine: This isn’t how it is supposed to be. The public’s interest in the scandal involving revelations that Hillary Clinton eschewed the use of a secure email address while serving as secretary of […]

Liberal Feature; Conservative Bug

by Smitty Asymmetries seem to abound these days: Already Walker has been dogged by alleged improprieties regarding campaign finance laws during the recall campaign and a lack of transparency as county executive “This is a guy who has literally been in elective office his entire adult life,” said a strategist for one rival campaign. “He […]

Server, Serve Her: Clinton Crumbling

EmailGate is reminding Americans of the scandalous Clintonian habit of deception and corruption. Ed Morrissey scoffs: Hillary Clinton violated the Federal Records Act for four years, hid all of her e-mails as Secretary of State for nearly six years, and only began giving some of those communications to State a couple of months ago. Now that the […]

The Flap Over EmailGate Makes No Sense

by Smitty Look, serfs: Emailgate is a continuation of the high ethical standards Her Majesty brings to everything. So, shut up & kneel, peasants! — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) March 5, 2015 Her Majesty wasn’t any more cavalier in offering a Bronx cheer to the spirit and letter of the law concerning official business than she has […]

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