The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Hate Speech,’ CNN and George Soros

Republican campaign ad in Minnesota. Yesterday, I switched my office TV to CNN, a psychological hazard I try to undertake at least once a week. Yes, it’s a mental-health risk to immerse myself into that bizarre alternative universe — a land where Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon are considered objective journalists — but if I […]

Good News and Bad News

  The bad news is that I failed to win the MegaMillions jackpot last night, so my plan to become a billionaire philanthropist has been delayed, at least. The good news is there is now a website,, where you can give money directly to help the most crucial 23 endangered House Republicans. This is […]

Who Is Funding the Foreign Invasion?

  The election-year propaganda campaign continues: A growing throng of Central American migrants resumed their advance toward the U.S. border in southern Mexico on Sunday, overwhelming Mexican government attempts to stop them at the border. Their numbers swelled to about 5,000 overnight and at first light they set out walking toward the Mexican town of […]

Report: Brett Kimberlin and DNC Staffer Helped Push ‘Russiagate’ to Feds

‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 From the Populist TV Morning Report: In an exclusive report, Lee Stranahan highlighted a Facebook post by operative Alexandra Chalupa made the day after the 2016 election where Chalupa said: “Homeland Security / DOJ teamed up with a group that is part of Anonymous […]

Soros Foundation Spends Millions Annually to Support Transgender Agenda

  Left-wing billionaire George Soros is funding transgender activism through his Open Society Foundation (OSF), according to a new report by a British academic who found that OSF has made more than $6 million in grants to transgender organizations since 2011. University of Oxford sociology Professor Michael Biggs wrote in his report: How much has […]

Yes, #BlackLivesMatter Is About Hate

“With Election Day only weeks away, it is possible the chaos in the Tarheel State is part of a left-wing get-out-the-vote effort to foment unrest in the state’s black communities. . . . “Riots, of course, are the stock in trade of radical speculator George Soros, the preeminent funder of the Left who has given […]

George Soros: Forget About Adam Smith; My Invisible Pimp Hand Is Strong

by Smitty (via George Scoville) Via the BlogCon email list, Scoville pointed to a George Soros column Politico. First, it’s a brief article. At just under 1,500 words, there is no way to shoehorn complex ideas into a small space. Nevertheless, it is revealing, and you should read the whole thing. Soros gives us some […]

Should Any ‘Spooky Dude’ Be Allowed To Recast The Global Economy?

by Smitty (via Drudge) Liberty? Sovereignty? Are they quaint notions? The Business & Media Institute reports: Two years ago, George Soros said he wanted to reorganize the entire global economic system. In two short weeks, he is going to start – and no one seems to have noticed. On April 8, a group he’s funded […]

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