The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Ferguson To Holder: “Bring It. Yourself. Buzz Aldrin Could Calibrate You.”

by Smitty Attorney General Eric Holder said Friday the Department of Justice is ready to take any and all steps that are needed to reform the Ferguson, Mo., police department, including the potential dismantling of the force. But was it really racism? The complex question of the relationship between wealth and race comes into play […]

Separated At Birth: Eric Holder & Caillou

by Smitty One is a pathetic, infantile piece of beta-male work, and the other is a Canadian: Inspired by Krauthammer video via Breitbart below the fold, for autoplay reasons:

“Blinded By Delight”

by Smitty With apologies to Springsteen, and admiration for his lyrical density, here is some love for Eric Holder: “Blinded By Delight” Hippies Yippies Drippies and pinheads named Zippy with a Commie zampolit In the dumps with these chumps as the environmentalist pumps his head all full of ‘it With the border in disorder, due […]

Eric Holder Hospitalized

Don’t know what the diagnosis or prognosis is: Attorney General Eric Holder was taken to an area hospital Thursday after reporting faintness and shortness of breath. Justice Department spokesman Brian Fallon said Holder, 63, began experiencing the symptoms during a regular senior staff meeting at the department. “As a precaution, the attorney general was taken […]

Ted Cruz: Media Acting as ‘Palace Guard’ to Protect Obama in IRS Scandal UPDATE: Tom Perez Fails to Provide Information on Bosserman’s Appointment

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Wednesday the media have failed to do their job by demanding answers in the Internal Revenue Service scandal. “The media should hold the administration accountable,” Cruz said. Instead of acting as watchdogs, however, the media are acting as a “palace guard” protecting President Obama from scrutiny, the conservative Republican told […]

Enemies List: Holder’s DOJ and Hillary’s State Department Targeted Fox Reporter

Case against Fox’s Rosen, in which O admin is criminalizing reporting, makes all of the other “scandals” look like giant nothing burgers. — Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) May 20, 2013 Serious idea. Instead of calling it Obama’s war on whistleblowers, let’s just call it what it is: Obama’s war on journalism. — Eli Lake (@EliLake) May […]

The Fate of Basseley Nakoula

Whatever happened to Nakoula, whose video didn’t really inspire the ‘demonstration’ that didn’t actually happen in Benghazi? — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) May 13, 2013 @rsmccain Nakoula is in La Tuna Federal prison in West Texas… Scheduled for release on 9/26/13 — Patrick Poole (@pspoole) May 13, 2013 “Hillary’s promise of vengeance to the […]

Corrupt Thought Studies, Holder Edition

by Smitty The idea that Constitutional rights are ‘entitlements’ moves them from being constants that the government can’t touch to variables, which can be expanded or contracted by fiat. Clip below the fold for autoplay reasons.

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