The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Hired Liars of Liberal Media

Andrew Breitbart used the phrase “Democrat-Media Complex” to describe the dishonest and hypocritical frauds who consider their partisan opinions to be synonymous with Truth and Virtue. Based on my own experience — as an ex-Democrat who has been in the news business since 1986 — I long ago concluded that most journalists don’t notice liberal bias for […]

Ex-Teenage Hooker Says She Was Forced to Have Sex With British Royalty

Let’s make a few things clear at the outset: Jeffrey Epstein is disgusting scum; British royalty are disgusting scum; and I do not approve of prostitution. These disclaimers are necessary because brutal sarcasm is considered inappropriate when reporting weird stories like this: A woman who claims that an American investment banker loaned her to rich and […]

The Externalization of Responsibility: Monica Lewinsky’s Personal Shame

Today’s headlines via Drudge: Monica Lewinsky: I was ‘in love’ with President Clinton — New York Post Monica Lewinsky: Drudge Ruined My Life — Truth Revolt This raises a subject long overdue for discussion. The Internet is merely a tool — a very powerful tool, but still just a tool. For Monica Lewinsky to depict […]

A. Ejaculating on a Fat Girl

Q. What was Bill Clinton’s most famous accomplishment as president? Monica Lewinsky has opened up about her infamous presidential affair to reveal that she turned down offers that would’ve amounted to $10million because she ‘didn’t feel like the right thing to do’. (Perhaps if she had been worried about “the right thing to do” before […]

Perjurer … Pedophile … Lawsuit

What are the elements of a great news story? Well, President Clinton is a perjurer who lied under oath in the Paula Jones lawsuit. Billionaire investor Jeffrey Epstein is reportedly a pedophile who had sex with underage prostitutes. And a lawsuit has brought out new details of the friendship between Clinton and Epstein: A new lawsuit […]

Your Semi-Official Obama vs. Syria Armageddon Predictions Thread

“Obama: Anatomy of a World Leader,” by Alex Gray (detail) Let me jump out in front of the anti-war movement before U.S. attacks Syria: "OBAMA LIED! PEOPLE DIED! NO W.M.D.! FIRE CAN'T MELT STEEL!" — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) August 27, 2013 We’re supposed to start bombing the crap out of Damascus sometime soon, because […]

What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make Whose Idea The Sequester Was?

by Smitty Oh, the high-minded tones of the apologists, e.g. Mataconis: Therefore, President Obama is incorrect to attempt to place sole responsibility for the sequester on the Republicans. At the same time, though, it’s true that the negotiations that led to the sequester would not have been necessary if Republicans had not insisted in the […]

What Hath Daily Caller Wrought?

Slept late today because I figure I’ll be up late writing about tonight’s debate, and I didn’t participate in the Drudge-induced hype over yesterday’s Daily Caller/Sean Hannity release of a 2007 video, e.g., Allahpundit: It’s the talk of Twitter and of our comment threads, so here’s a dedicated post to let your imaginations run wild. […]

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