The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hillary, Democrats and the Blame Game

November 8, 2016: The best night in American history. Haunted by the ghost of her Nixonian paranoia: [Campaign manager Robbie] Mook eventually delivers the news of impending defeat to Clinton. “I knew it. I knew this would happen to me,” she answers. “They were never going to let me be president.” Winners win and losers […]

Sex, Power, Weakness and Evil

“I would be happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob just to thank him for keeping abortion legal. I think American women should be lining up with their Presidential kneepads on to show their gratitude for keeping the theocracy off our backs.” — Nina Burleigh, 1998 “Feminists keep trying to explain Weinstein in terms of […]

College Girls: Prostitutes and Democrats

Acacia Friedman (left) and Samara Charlotin (right) were busted for prostitution. Hey, buddy, how’d you like to get it on with a couple of college girls? Well, the going rate is $5,000, according to police in Coral Gables, Florida, where University of Miami student Acacia Friedman, 23, and Florida International University student Samara Charlotin, 19, […]

‘No One Left to Lie To’

  Memory is a strange thing, and perhaps my memory is particularly strange, due to my adolescent adventures in freelance pharmaceuticals. People sometimes talk about teenagers “experimenting” with drugs. If so, I was the Enrico Fermi of drug experimentation. My college dorm room was to dope what the Manhattan Project was to nuclear physics, and I […]

The Really Important Headlines

Randi Zurenko is charged with having sex with two girls. Teacher hit with 200 charges in teen lesbian sex scandal: Cops — Oct. 21 Nia Davies was charged with having sex with a girl. Lesbian teacher who had 10-month affair with teen pupil faces being struck off — Oct. 12 Kimberly Naquin was charged with having sex […]

Andrea Dworkin Accused Hillary Clinton of ‘Betraying Younger Women’

Andrea Dworkin on the Monica Lewinsky scandal in January 1998: We are talking about a man who, in a predatory way, is using women, particularly young women. In this case, a woman who was working as an intern, for no money, because of her devotion to the Democratic Party and to him. In an alcove next […]

Bill Clinton Met With Anti-Police Hate Group Leader Two Months Ago

Bill Clinton and Mauricelm-Lei Millere in May. During a campaign visit to Kentucky this year former President Bill Clinton met with the leader of a racial hate group that has been implicated in Thursday’s attack that killed five Dallas police officers. Mauricelm-Lei Millere is leader of the African American Defense League (AADL), which has repeatedly […]

Real Feminists Support Bernie Sanders

  One of the things I notice while searching feminist Tumblr accounts is the high level of support for Bernie Sanders. This wouldn’t seem to make sense — shouldn’t feminists support Hillary Clinton? But feminism is a left-wing movement and Sanders is an unapologetic socialist, plus Hillary Clinton has a history of defending “rape culture”: […]

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