The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#OccupyResoluteDesk PSA

by Smitty @BarackObama isn't good at taking responsibility; he's good at talking about responsibility as if it had been taken. — Quiet PreJuicer (@smitty_one_each) May 26, 2014

Obama: Dream and Reality

“Obama: Anatomy of a World Leader,” by Alex Gray (detail) The aspirational presidency and its predictable failure: When they found him, he was a rare breed: a genuine African American (his father was Kenyan) who thought and talked like the academics on both sides of his family, a product of the faculty lounge who dabbled […]

So What If The #VA Scandal Is Just #ObamaCare Meets #Benghazi?

by Smitty Americans in general and veterans in particular are far too spun up about the VA scandal. This has led to at least one scurrilous photo-bumming incident already. And why? What difference, at this point, do these veterans make? The WSJ gets it all wrong: The recent revelations about the Department of Veterans Affairs […]

Obama the Angry

First it was Benghazi, then it was the IRS, and now it’s the VA. Ace of Spades describes the Obama Scandal Reaction Method: Always he says the same things: 1. He’s “mad. Or “angry.” Or “madder than hell.” Or even “apopleptic.” Obama vows he’s much, much angrier than you are — “no one is angrier than I […]

‘Impeachable Offenses’: Obama Policy Releases Criminal Illegal Aliens

A new book exposes malfeasance by President Obama, and the administration’s defenders are trying to “kill the messenger”: Houston immigration attorney Raed Gonzalez claims the controversy surrounding the Obama administration’s release of tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens is just a “publicity stunt” generated by the authors of a book documenting the case for […]

Benghazi: A Hole in the Tick-Tock

Tick-tock: Journalism jargon for a story that recounts events in chronological order, as if accompanied by the soundtrack of a ticking clock. Last summer, at the request of American Spectator editor R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr., I spent several days trying to get the White House Press Office to answer a simple question: The President of […]

A Typical ObamaCare Nightmare

The damage caused by the ObamaCare catastrophe — arguably the worst federal public policy initiative of the past 40 years — are usually discussed in terms of politics and macroeconomic statistics: X-number of jobs lost, an X-percent decline in President Obama’s poll numbers. True enough, the harms of the paradoxically named “Affordable Care Act” have […]

Goldberg Misses His Own Punchline

by Smitty Goldberg goes for a fairly straightforward South Park play in discussing Obama’s foreign policy, “Obama’s foreign-policy plan B”, but misses the obvious gag: the whole thing is an extended Plan B Abortion pill. Keith Koffler enumerates, by country, most of #OccupyResoluteDesk’s non-triumphs. He’s missing my personal favorite, and Obama’s first cock-up, which was […]

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