The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Obama’s Jihad-Loving DHS Adviser

Add @MohamedElibiary to the list of Obama administration scandals that the Democrat-Media Complex expect us to ignore. Ace of Spades was all over this story last night: “By the way, this ‘senior fellow’ at DHS is a Muslim Brotherhood booster. He called Mohammad Morsi, the now-deposed Muslim Brotherhood president of Egypt, Egypt’s Nelson Mandela.” But […]

The Media’s President

“Obama: Anatomy of a World Leader,” by Alex Gray (detail) Da Tech Guy makes the obvious point: The reason the media aren’t going after the IRS scandal is because Barack Obama is their president. Not since JFK’s fictitious “Camelot” have the media invested so heavily in maintaining the image of a president, an image of competence […]

Call Implausible IRS Lie About ‘Lost’ Emails What It Is: Obstruction of Justice

Democrats lie routinely and habitually, and are accustomed to having their lies accepted without question by the media. It is therefore significant that the media are openly mocking the preposterous claim that Lois Lerner’s emails have been “lost”: Last Friday afternoon, the Internal Revenue Service claimed that Lois Lerner, a former executive tasked with overseeing […]

Back to Iraq

The “optics,” as they say, are unpleasant: Nearly 300 armed American forces are being positioned in and around Iraq to help secure U.S. assets as President Barack Obama nears a decision on an array of options for combating fast-moving Islamic insurgents, including airstrikes or a contingent of special forces. The U.S. and Iran also held […]

Shorter Krugman: ‘Kool-Aid, Anyone?’

Delusional partisan cheerleading: Several times in recent weeks I’ve found myself in conversations with liberals who shake their heads sadly and express their disappointment with President Obama. Why? I suspect that they’re being influenced, often without realizing it, by the prevailing media narrative. The truth is that these days much of the commentary you see […]

The Politics of Blame

After five years of excuses, straw-man arguments and scapegoating, the Obama administration’s incompetence and irresponsibility have exhausted the patience of many Democrats, Ron Fournier reports: The email hit my in-box at 9:41 p.m. last Wednesday.  From one of the most powerful Democrats in Washington, a close adviser to the White House, the missive amounted to an […]

Victor Davis Hanson Nails It

by Smitty Obama uses a host of emphatics (e.g., Period!, Let me be clear!, Make no mistake about it!) precisely because he seeks to accomplish in speech what he cannot do in fact. Part of the recovery process for this country will be a renewed emphasis on seeing sermons, rather than hearing them.

World’s Youngest Blogger Locates Something Many Thought Extinct

World's Youngest Blogger: "Look! Under the water! The President's credibility!" — Quiet PreJuicer (@smitty_one_each) June 2, 2014

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